Sunday, July 1, 2012

Steps to Getting Along With Difficult family Members

#1. Steps to Getting Along With Difficult family Members Advertisements

Steps to Getting Along With Difficult family Members

My pregnant daughter just called me to complain (again) about her paternal grandmother. This has come to be a daily phone call. My son called me from work "Mom, can't we see Aunt Ila and Lucas and they could just once leave Her home?" Our nephew doesn't make a habit of phoning me, however he did tell his mom he wasn't arrival down to visit this time if they had to stay with Her. My sister-in-law popped for a hotel room.

Steps to Getting Along With Difficult family Members

Every family has a member that rubs the rest of the clan the wrong way. I'm pretty sure it's some sort of biblical rule, if not, then it must be in the bylaws passed by the federal government of every country.

Now I'm not a psychologist or a family counselor-but due to my two now astonishing adult children, I have been straight through adequate therapy to give guidance on the subject of getting along with difficult people. Especially those that we love (or have to for the sake of a loved one).

1. Pick Your Battles Carefully. Conclude what you can ignore and what you can't. For example: I hate when people aren't honest. I don't mind if you disagree with me. I don't care if you don't like me. But I won't put up with duplicity. Just tell me the truth. Some people it's laundry, money or a personal dress code. Anyone you do, don't chose every microscopic nitpicky event and yell about it. Oh, and when you go to war-do it quietly. I've found my low voice or even silence is a very considerable tool in fixing a question area.

2. Stay Away As Much As Possible. That's right. There is always an additional one room, person else you can talk too or just bow out of the event if you have to lower yourself to the main offender's behavior.

3. Use These Two Phrases And They Will End Many A Problem. My husband an I learned these words from a family therapy discussion and they turned into our favorite rebuttals during the teenage years: Regardless of.../Nevertheless...
Now I know these sound simplistic but picture this: teen doesn't want to do homework and starts to yell at you.
You respond: Regardless of how you hate English, you have to do the assignment.
Or your mother-in-law hates that you won't take her on vacation. You respond: Nevertheless, our plans have been finalized and you are not going.

4. If You Have Nothing New To Add. This is our third favorite for the "comeback" on #3. When the challenger rebuts you simply say: I have heard what you had to say, if you have nothing new to add, we are done here.

Then simply walk away, read a book/newspaper, make a phone call or retire to the bathroom. The key to making these steps work is reacting by Not reacting.

Oh, I used these phrases on my pregnant daughter just now.

Sarah, I know your grandmother is extremely trying, nevertheless, for your father's and aunt's sake, you'll have to put up with her for a visit. I have heard how much you dislike her, if you have nothing new to add to your long list of complaints-we're done.

I added-this is as a matter of fact good practice, pretend you have to take care of your two year old who is just about to throw a tantrum. Stay calm, quiet and ignore the bad behavior. It goes away, eventually.

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