Thursday, July 5, 2012

What is the discrepancy in the middle of Christian Counseling and Secular Counseling?

#1. What is the discrepancy in the middle of Christian Counseling and Secular Counseling? Advertisements

What is the discrepancy in the middle of Christian Counseling and Secular Counseling?

The basic unlikeness in the middle of Christian Counseling and Secular Counseling is the authority to which the consultant is answerable. Secular Counselors are licensed by the state, and must abide by the rules the state creates. Most states promote the idea that God cannot be a part of anyone endorsed by the state. Consequently, most state licensed counselors are forbidden to even mention anyone of a religious nature. They agree not to pray, not to ask God for help, not to mention anyone religious at all.

What is the discrepancy in the middle of Christian Counseling and Secular Counseling?

Christian, Pastoral, or Biblical Counselors sass to the church. This frees them to ask God for help, to pray, and offer religious solutions to those they counsel. It also creates a responsibility on the church to properly oversee the activities of these counselors.

Professional counselors will typically hold at least a Master's degree. Many will have done the extra work to hold a PhD as well. Note that a religious consultant will typically have a degree from a religious university while secular counselors will receive their training from state certified schools.

If you seek the aid of a Christian Counselor, it may be wise to decree that your consultant has been trained and is licensed or certified by a church or organization that will actually hold them accountable for their actions. The National Christian Counselors relationship and the International Board of Christian Counselors (an outgrowth of the Aacc) are two of the best known associations that supply reliable credentials for Christian Counselors. There are many other reputable organizations that ordain or guarantee counselors.

Secular counseling refers to those professionals who come to be licensed by their state to supply a variety of counseling services. Typical designations contain Licensed pro consultant (Lpc), Licensed Marriage and house Therapist (Lmft), and Licensed reasoning condition consultant (Lmhc).

Christian Counseling presents a variety of designations as well. You will find Licensed Pastoral Counselors (Lpc), Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselors (Lcpc), and Certified Christian Counselors (Ccc) to name just a few.

The lowest line when seeking a consultant is to find one that is actually motivated to help you. One item that indicates a willingness of the consultant to deal with problems is testing. There are many testing tools available to properly trained counselors. These tools can help supply significant comprehension and construe basic causes for all sorts of difficulties. A uncomplicated test can often save months of "talk therapy" and get right to the heart of things in many cases.

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