Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to Be Happy in a Bad Marriage

--Marriage Therapy of How to Be Happy in a Bad Marriage--

How to Be Happy in a Bad Marriage

The idea of getting married is to fulfill that childhood fantasy that grows with us all the way into adulthood. 'And they lived happily ever after'. That was the idea when you got married I'm sure but now it's all gone. You are looking for ways on how to be happy in a bad marriage.

How to Be Happy in a Bad Marriage

What you need to know is you are now looking for a clarification and not the cause. So it would be wise not to point fingers. You could recognize the cause but not apportion the blame. Marriage is surely not a happily ever after story. Marriages involve meeting hurdles and challenges and being able get past them and move on.

If you want to know how to be a happy in a bad marriage, the first thing you both need to do is agree on one thing. That there is a problem; it needs to be solved and you are both willing to solve it. If you try to solve a marriage accident without the involvement of your spouse you will always come out drawing the short end of the stick.

Think about the happiness that you once shared. You are still the same couple, what could have possibly gone so wrong that you cannot put that warmth back into your relationship. Remember a plant starts growing as soon as it feels a exiguous warmth. It's the exiguous things that matter.

Maybe you feel your spouse is now at a point where you cannot even communicate. When you try to address the qoute do they become cold and evasive? Your marriage can go back to what it was or even get better. With a exiguous help and encouragement on how you can be happy in a bad marriage; you will be amazed at the things you can turn around.

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