Sunday, July 8, 2012

Unhappy Marriage? 5 Ways to Help Your Unhappy and Emotionless Husband

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Unhappy Marriage? 5 Ways to Help Your Unhappy and Emotionless Husband

We have never spoken to a wife who enjoyed living with an unhappy husband. One who is evasive, non-communicative and emotionless. Some wives would prefer to have a an consulation than to caress silent treatment. To make matters worst, most wives do not know how to help their husbands, resulting in them also becoming unhappy, frustrated, withdrawn, depressed and even suicidal. These are only behaviours that make a terrible situation worst. Let's look at five ways to help your huband overcome his unhappiness. We call them self-help marriage therapy techniques.
Show Gratitude / Appreciation A proven remedy for an unhappy husband is gratitude. All the time try to use phrases such as: I no ifs ands or buts appreciate how hard you work for the family. I don't know what I would do without you. Honey, thanks for taking out the garbage or Honey, thanks for being such a great father to our children. I no ifs ands or buts enjoy your company. These are words that can brighten the dullest of days. However, we seldom use them because it is easier to treat our husbands the same way they treat us. Never do this to an unhappy spouse. Resolve that this week you will show your gratitude in the words you say and the things you do. Write A Heart to Heart Letter Sometimes it can be very difficult to verbally express exactly how we feel because we allow our emotions to get in the way. I have found that a great formula of letting your spouse know how much you are hurting inside is by putting it down on paper. Just ensure that you are not being condemning or pointing fingers. What needs to come across is your heart and not your frustration. Do Not Nag Most wives do not comprehend it but they no ifs ands or buts lead to an unhappy husband. The most unappealing trait a wife can possess is that of a nagger. You complain about everything, All the time point out the negatives and push your husband into a deeper depression. Also, if you talk alot you may want to gauge how much you say. Be inexpensive and remember that your husband does not need to hear every detail about what you are mental or feeling. We have seen some husbands who are totally unhappy around their wives but highly happy around friends. If you are uncertain if you are a nagger, do some investigate on the internet on the traits of a nagging wife. You may be surprised at what you find. Know Which Button To Push We all have a button to push to get our minds off what is bothering us and focus on the most foremost thing in this life, "our family". Find out what your husband's button is. Get started by observing what stresses him, then pay attention to how he reacts when you, your children or someone else family member does something that causes him some number of joy (even if it is short lived). This may wish a lot of trial and error for a while, but after you have found that button, use it as often as possible. Do Fun Things As A Couple The daily routines of life can come to be mundane. Not to mention the financial crunch that causes most of us to have some jobs or work overtime, just to make ends meet. We wonder how we are going to pay the mortgage, send the kids to school and the list goes on. But despite all of that we need to make time for each other. Do not wait for your spouse to plan special romantic activities. Take the initiative. E.g. A romantic candle light supper at home. If you have kids ask a family member or friend to keep them for the night. Go for ice-cream, just the two of you etc.

Unhappy Marriage? 5 Ways to Help Your Unhappy and Emotionless Husband

Sometimes we can underestimate the power we possess to have a happy marriage. Tap into that power today!

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