Thursday, July 19, 2012

psychology of Erotic Astrology - finding at the Guts of Sexuality in the Cosmos

--Marriage Therapy of psychology of Erotic Astrology - finding at the Guts of Sexuality in the Cosmos--

psychology of Erotic Astrology - finding at the Guts of Sexuality in the Cosmos

Does the astrology chart serve any real viable relative, integral cohesive regulatory interpretive significance in a person's life? Or is it plainly a compressed non regulated immaterial unimportant nonsensical composite of arbitrarily contrived meaningless facts designed to amuse and entertain the individual? It depends upon which side of the preverbal fence you reside. For those who are esoterically inclined, an astrological natal chart reveals a clear sexual artistic theme that can not be overstated or undervalued. Meaning: you will ignite, establish, maintain, and execute a preference for delegated predestined sensual experiences beyond your current comprehension or conscious motivation.

psychology of Erotic Astrology - finding at the Guts of Sexuality in the Cosmos

The specific elements (people, places, events, encounters, sexual liaisons, adored interests, stimulated inclinations, generated involvements, sexual fantasies, and/or binding relationships) engaged contained, exemplified and displayed produce a specific formula, [necessary for your explicit evolvement] not unlike, the formula for a cake. For those who do not subscribe to such authoritatively available esoteric insight, the astrology chart proves to be worthless. Of course, for those who do not possess an open adequate mind, (to advance beyond the parameters of identified appropriate notions) most things prove to be valueless.

Having said that, let us continue. In order to prepare a coconut cake, you must get coconut for the introductory batter. No matter what you add to the batter to heighten or expand its basic flavor, the traditional ingredient will honestly comprise coconut. In the same way, your astrological natal chart induces a clear flavored theme which can not be altered without changing the basic foundation of what constitutes the possible make-up of the individual. However, the collective you and the enhanced life you pick to live can be extended in many different directions depending on the relevant condition and necessary situation to be entertained.

The astrological natal chart depicts a celestial photograph of sorts. In essence, it reveals the planetary positions on the day you were born. For what purpose, does this serve? If you are a mind to believe that all things are connected, then the very fact of how the planets arranged themselves in a clear pattern on that spoton day reflects itself a viable indicator of esoteric significance. The relationship in a designated cosmic pattern depicts a spatial relevance which can communicate spoton traits, abilities, talents, sexual orientation, inclinations in destiny and/or definitive personality seasonings. These artistic implications are uncovered by and through the various experience complex in the interacting planetary degrees, movements and placements.

Let us look at it in this manner. If you were to take a photograph of yourself, or someone else, you would expect the photograph to reflect a clear resemblance. It would not show the outer physical characteristics of someone other than whomever it was you zoomed into with the camera. The same rule applies to planetary configurations. This straightforward elementary example is sort of what an astrological natal chart shows; except the natal chart displays the possible inward characteristics (and possible inclined destiny) of the personel as captured and reflected by the clear position and degree of planets at the spoton hour on the day of his/her birth.

Although just how an image appears on film is somewhat difficult to understand/comprehend (unreasonable), in the same manner as the illogical idea of a replica of planets (patterned) in the sky on the day of your birth could in any way show possible tendencies related with you. Although consider it to be more than a huge stretch If you are of a bent of mind that demands rational explanations for everything. In essence, should you be so inclined, you can look at a photograph of your body as the consequent of a photographic image delivered on film or digital pixels, as honestly as you can view the inward traits through a photograph taken in the skies on your birth.

Through photography you will see the outward form and in the same way, you could also discover possible innate inclinations and traits through an astrological natal chart's photograph.

Why would this type of cosmic blueprint be of any real interest to you? For the very same calculate that, since you are a fallible human being whose scope of facts is somewhat limited (preventing you from knowing anyone for certain) about the essence of you or the universe in which you exist, a probable summation from the cosmos may fall into the realm of reasonableness, yes?

If there's the slightest bit of possibility that you could learn more about yourself, your life, your relationships, your work, your destiny and your purpose for being on earth through the means of astrology, why not investigate further?

Just ponder this: Scientists appraisal (guesstimate) there are at least 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe of which our sun is but one. (An marvelous form so mind-blowing that makes the idea of anyone honestly making logical sense seem so far fetched and minutely unimportant, (utterly ridiculous even), that the notion of humans acting with any real authority assumes the position of being preposterous!) But, for entertainment purposes only, we humans engage in a lot of mindless (illogical) activities plainly to keep our time, power and on most often occasions, our money---- evoking a task of interest for no more of a calculate than it amuses us. Be therefore, radically amused!

If you casually rule that the possibility of your natal chart having any possible significance for you, then 'full speed ahead' for additional esoteric instructions. tour with bursting intent to have it erected by a expert astrologer of your choice. Once having attained the copy of your printout, should you be energetically inclined and enthusiastically interested, you may apply these following powerful delineations to the distinctive patterns attached. If there is one inexpressive attached to the astrology chart it would be alchemy. There is a definitive point of experience (hypothetically) when the alchemical transformational process occurs in each person's life. This delicate formative point is determined by contributing factors. Don't miss it!

The necessary summit being the relationship of the sun/moon's interactive relationship in the progressed chart! (Another industrialized argument for someone else time)

Let us plainly start with the Sun, (with its multitude of implications) since it is supposedly the center of our solar system; therefore the center (and pivotal point) of your personal world.

1. Sun will fabricate the unequivocal sexual theme of your Earth existence. You are a creatively endowed god in the making. The so-called extended parallel dreamed segment in the universe [actual lived earth experience] (purpose) of your apparent terrestrial life is entrusted to the sign/degree of your sun! You can in no wise diminish the noted sexual impetus which runs through your veins anymore than you can stop breathing on your own. In other words, get with your delegated program.

2. Moon will evoke the passionate artistic atmosphere of your environment. The moon requires a clear non-negotiable surrounding (atmospheric conditions) for consequential plots to be recognized and resounded. These panoramic scenes, plots and scenarios are necessary and conducive to what you are here to experience in fullness. Not one jot or title can be altered. If your life seems nebulous, a blur, fragmented and disjointed, it is solely because it is supposed to be that way for effect. It all connects, but you won't see it in the beginning. Many moons will pass before you are able to make the connection.

3. Mercury will elicit the artistic experiences (undisclosed talent) necessary for evolution. These are the lines for the actor, so to speak, you must deliver. This planet/house (ruler of transcendent province) defines the one area you are the most skilled at. Do not show the way the plot in bashful, ignorant, or uninstructed ways. You Know what you must do; do it!

4. Venus will passage relative subterfuge involvements for processing of outdated material (karma). necessary interpretive skillful self-observation is called for. You are not allowed to cheat. Love becomes its opposite before the final curtain falls. experience it all.

5. Mars will call about abusive involvements/entanglements for creative (magical) expression/expansion. [Unexplained sexual abuse, complex treacherous situations, rageful passion, inexplicable musical/artistic/dramatic talent, murder, unexplained outbursts of anger, morose depression, suicide, and/or co-dependence issues (alcohol, drugs, food/sexual addiction, incest)] You can't possibly realize the magnitude of the significance this planet's intent unless and until you move beyond the ideas of 'good and bad' as interpreted by you.

6. Jupiter will delegate specific deliberately assigned events (Mission impossible assignments) as permission to exist on earth. One must learn (remember) to turn away from the customarily familiar for the radically unfamiliar; change the personal for the impersonal In order to discover who you honestly are, you must be willing to evolve beyond the labels you are referred to yet remain lowly in the process.

7. Saturn will need key coded ruthless elements for progressive industrialized merit. Those time regimented affairs that occur without comprehension or comprehension. The powerful capability to continue on after the pieces have been shattered is inexpressive in these ashes of inexplicable disappointment/disillusionment. With him, he is strictly business; nothing personal. Just do the job you were sent here to do. (Without explanation, apology, excuse, defense, explanation or regret)

8. Neptune will cause the incomparable necessary suffering, delay, dissatisfaction and loss complex in soul's experimented exaltation. This is also the place where lotteries are won, mega fortunes are accumulated and any manner of stardom rising from meteorite successes is shown! [The impossible becomes the talked about possible (sort of like an escalated example) happening in form for the world to gawk at]

9. Uranus will involve you in unexpected precarious situations and with the most unlikely people to build your character. (Deaths, losses, divorces, separations, marriages, births, house dissolutions/quarrels, and/or adoptions) Uranus is the cosmic tool to ripping through the veil which separates.

10. Pluto will exploit you in every condition where premeditated vulnerability lingers. (Determines the goods of the physique in physical body, sexual attractiveness and/or fantasies entertained, ego reigns supreme) Wherever you are the weakest, he shall destroy and devour. He turns in your favor starting at around the age of 42. Then, and only then is when your true authentic power takes over!

11. North node determines area of warranted fantastic expertise, barring none!

12. Part of Fortune gives you your inexpressive coded anklet of identity for operative force. (Supernatural entrance is given into locked, barricaded and seemingly impassable walls which apparently have prevented you from ascending.) Without this identifiable cosmic bracelet, you are incapable of producing as much as a mouse squeak in a football stadium. However once activated, you are unstoppable.

13. Chiron exercises unblemished operate of your esoteric bent of mind, intelligence and reasoning dexterity. The adroit capability for you to use/execute and command flamed (nitrogen ingested) words-gestures for productive communication to create what you will.

14. Ceres describes the type of people/ action you need and will interact with for a celestial form of replenishing energetic osmosis. In other words, the asteroid provides you with a 'beam me up Scotty' type of vibrational gravity and cosmic acceleration that enables you to voyage in time and simultaneously communicate in any dimensions at once. This asteroid demands obedience in this unrestricted area of operation. You will not skirt by this one!

15. Pallas Athene portrays the indomitable domain of sexual passion which is obscured or retarded. When released passionately, this point of experience determines height, level and expediency of worldly success. (Material fullness or lack thereof is directly tied to the extraction of the incalculable force without restriction)

16. Juno will promote seemingly unlikely involvements for the establishing, presenting, maintaining, erecting situations for the transcendence of residual pain, trauma, and carried over bitterness/remorse. You can't go very far carrying a bunch of excess baggage.

17. A stellium of planets indicates the entrusted sphere of sway and noted expertise earned in someone else life. This is the area of esoteric wisdom to be shared/exercised/exhibited in this lifetime to aid in the advancement of mankind.

18. Fire planets show substantial magical power in the house(s) associated. Pretending to be helpless, uneducated, or unprepared alters the path. Call down the power for productive enactment of completing divine purpose on earth.

19. Air planets point out detachment needed for additional enrichment without which retardation occurs. Unless the identification of obstructing factors is broken, severed and nullified, the journey is buried in unnecessary emotional problems. (Possible imprisonment)

20. Earth planets solicit endurance, fortitude, patience, period of waiting until fruition occurs. No number of hurrying, pressuring, and antagonistic pushing allowed. (Health problems result)

21. Water planets exemplify substantial celestial sex force in process of remolding static nature, not to be tampered with prematurely, unskillfully or without a lifetime of esoteric study applied to dreams for allowable understanding. (Leave morality on the doorstep)

22. The ascendant signifies the incomparable intertwined thesis to be written in physical experience while on the Earth Plane. rule its relevance as the foundational facility upon which your entire life will be lived. You can not operate surface of this verifiable field of proficiency. The most liquefied number of lessons will be learned, experienced and overcome in this noticeable area.

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