Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Probiotics And Acid Reflux - Marriage Made In Heaven?

--Marriage Therapy of Probiotics And Acid Reflux - Marriage Made In Heaven?--

Probiotics And Acid Reflux - Marriage Made In Heaven?

Probiotics and acid reflux have long been linked. It is well known that probiotics have beneficial effects for the entire digestive ideas but does this contain stopping acid reflux and Gerd?

Probiotics And Acid Reflux - Marriage Made In Heaven?

You may have heard of probiotics containing "friendly bacteria". This is because probiotics are dietary supplements that do literally contain potentially beneficial bacteria that can aid digestion.

These bacteria already exist in the intestines but some studies indicate that introducing them into the diet can also have beneficial effects. Hence, the supposed link in the middle of taking probiotics and acid reflux cessation.

Probioitics are well known for helping after a digestive disorder such as food poisoning in helping to reintroduce the good bacteria to the system. Studies also indicate that they are effective when used to combat Ibs, or irritable bowel syndrome as well as other conditions such as constipation. But, is there any correlation in the middle of taking probiotics and acid reflux reduction?

At least one study has identified a correlation in the middle of taking probiotics and acid reflux reduction in patients with Helicobacter pylori infection, a coarse cause of acid reflux. However, antibiotics already exist to treat this infection and it is also fast becoming a minor cause of acid reflux/Gerd.

The above appears to be the only observed relationship in the middle of probiotics and acid reflux and unfortunately, this therapy does not appear to be beneficial for more coarse cases of acid reflux. If you know for sure that your acid reflux is caused by H. Pylori (this can be confirmed by biopsy) then it will be worth your while taking them, but otherwise they look to be of minuscule or no benefit, specifically for acid reflux.

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