Friday, July 6, 2012

A Marriage to a Narcissist - 7 Indicators Your Partner Might Be Narcissistic

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A Marriage to a Narcissist - 7 Indicators Your Partner Might Be Narcissistic

Marriage is a spirited hope even under ideal circumstances. Two population with two differing backgrounds and ways of doing things come together as one to be partners in life and maybe raise a family together. Marriage requires compromise, commitment, love, and respect, and if both partners are reasonably emotionally healthy, the supervene can be a happy, mutually fulfilling union. However, there are some situations where this supervene is nearly impossible. There is a segment of the population which is afflicted with a personality disorder such as narcissism. Narcissism is highly destructive to close personal relationships, and can supervene in bewildering and confusing acts that leave the non-narcissist devastated. Here are 7 indicators that your partner might be a narcissist:

A Marriage to a Narcissist - 7 Indicators Your Partner Might Be Narcissistic

1.       No empathy for others is present. This is an inability to emotionally place him or herself in man else's shoes. This results in acts that are self serving and seem callous.

2.      Your partner possesses a sense of grandiose self worth. Your partner may make his or her accomplishments out to be much more than they are. He or she takes a excellent view of themselves, and expects to join together with other high level population and institutions.

3.      Your partner fantasizes about ideal love, power, and beauty. You may be initially put up on a pedestal, but sooner or later you will fail to contribute adequate praise or become imperfect in some way, and will likely be discarded and/or devalued.

4.      Admiration and praise is excessively leading to your partner. He or she might go to great lengths to acquire this "drug."

5.      Your partner behaves in an entitled way in varied area of life. He or she might expect preferential medicine as an assumed privilege. 

6.      Your partner is willing to exploit others to get what he or she wants, without much hesitation.

7.      Jealousy is a base emotion in your partner, particularly when man else does well. The narcissist can become quite angry when man else 'steals the spotlight.'

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