Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How to Help a house Member Cope With Drug Addiction

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How to Help a house Member Cope With Drug Addiction

Drug addiction has come to be a much venerated topic among families. This heartless enemy does not discriminate. Any family can come to be a victim of drug addiction at any time. Having discovered that a member of your family has a qoute with drug addiction how do you help them cope with it?

How to Help a house Member Cope With Drug Addiction

What does it mean to cope with a drug addiction? Coping with, or attempting to manage an addiction is without a doubt a very difficult undertaking. In fact, it was one of the most difficult things that I have ever done, and after reading this description I am sure you will agree that there is but one way to cope with drug addiction, and that is to turn away from it because drug addiction is unmanageable.

Addiction makes a perfect slave of an personel because the addicted someone is no longer in operate of anyone they say, do, feel or think. anyone who has ever had a serious addiction to a drug will tell you that while their addiction they lost operate of the things that made life enjoyable, and they did not get that operate until they had walked away from the drug. Easier to say than it is to do, the difficulty is in turning away.

During my twelve year crack cocaine addiction I seriously tried everything within my power to manage it, which included guidance from friends, family, and others who were coping with some type of addiction but nothing worked for me. If there is such a thing a 101 ways to manage your addiction, then I have tried them all.

If you have a family member who is addicted to some type of substance I hope you will find these tips quite useful.

Deal with yourself first

The shock of being made aware that there's a drug addict in your family will cause the addiction to immediately begin working at destroying the family bond, beginning with you. You will be in no position to help that family member until you can help yourself to get past the preliminary shock of their addiction.

I remember how surprised my family was when they found out that I was addicted to crack. They were so shocked, in a way they alienated themselves from me. Although I was aware that they knew about my addiction, I guess they were just too shocked to arrival me.

How you deal with your own emotions will directly affect how you arrival that addicted family member, so the first thing you need to do is "get over it". You may not like the fact that your husband is addicted, but it is what it is. Now that you see the situation for what it is, move quickly to the next step.

Find middle ground

Addiction has nothing in tasteless with family. The two are at opposite ends of the field. Finding a place of commonality is the only way to insure that you will be able to relate with an addict, so do not waste time Finding it. Begin Finding for something - anyone that you might have in tasteless with the addicted someone and use it as a tool to win back their affection. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will become.

Re-establishing a bond is the only way to bridge the void between comprehension and addiction. A good place to start is by being sensitive to the strange behavior of the addicted family member. You must perceive that they are not the same someone you once knew because they have undergone chemical changes in their mind and body.

For me, the more crack I smoked the less time I wanted to spend with my family. The drug dominated me so much until nothing else mattered. Without admittedly being aware, I built a wall that nobody could penetrate.

The one thing that angry me more than anyone was to be enduringly scolded and ridiculed because of my drug use. I knew I needed help, but the more I was told that I was a drug addict, the more I distanced myself. So anyone you do be sensitive and don't scold.

Stop enabling

No doubt you have heard of "tough love". The best way to relate tough love is love that will not be compromised, nor be taken benefit of. After you've gotten over the preliminary shock that you have a drug addict in the family, you should immediately start to exhibit tough love.

If you know that your daughter Megan has a qoute with drugs you should stop giving her money. Although it hurts you to see Megan without money, if you continue as her banker it will only enable her to continue in her addictive behavior.

Seek expert help

Drug addicts have a unique way of making family and friends feel guilty when they are the ones who should be experiencing guilt. An addict will do anyone to continue using the substance of their addiction.

Do anyone you have to do to get that family member to agree to seek the help of a professional. You cannot force the decision upon them; they must make that decision on their own.

Usually an addict will not surrender until they have exhausted every ready selection that would allow them to continue using the substance of their abuse. It is called "hitting rock bottom". Such a decision often comes after a long hard bout with addiction, condition issues, starvation, and living arrangements.

Be supportive

Once that addicted family member has decided to seek help, do not hesitate to follow straight through with them on their decision. Addicts have been known to turn their mind about seeking expert help within an hour of making the promise.

At this point it is prominent that you be supportive of their actions because they are very vulnerable. Like itsybitsy children, they are frightened and at the same time they look forward to experiencing freedom from the awful burden of drug addiction.

It took eleven years for me to make the decision to seek expert help and someone else year of up and down drugging before I finally gained my freedom. Had the above mentioned elements not been gift in my life I believe I would have been lost in the sea of drug addiction where misery never ends.

Just so that you understand that every battle fought against addiction is unique and you should all the time remember that addiction attacks separate people in separate ways. I encourage you to never give up on that popular family member because if you are persistent you can win. You can only lose if you quit fighting.

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