Sunday, July 1, 2012

Christian Marriage Counseling - Why Most Methods Don't Work

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Christian Marriage Counseling - Why Most Methods Don't Work

Have you and your spouse come to be that consolidate that you promised yourself you would never come to be before you got married? You know the consolidate we mean. That consolidate that's always bickering. The one that always seems to be frustrated with each other. The one who you used to look at and just know that one of them was probably having an affair.

Christian Marriage Counseling - Why Most Methods Don't Work

Unfortunately, this kind of consolidate is the rule instead of the exception. In the Christian church, we have a higher than 50% separation rate. It's definite that anything we've been doing up to now hasn't been working.

So what's wrong?

Why, despite all of the books that have been written, the sermons that have been delivered, and the time and power that well-meaning counselors have spent trying to teach Christian couples how to have victorious marriages, are we still finding it so difficult to have the kinds of relationships that God wants us to have?

We're going to get to that sass in just a second - and we promise that when you ultimately examine the easy truth that lies at the heart of every particular victorious Christian marriage, it's going to wholly transform your relationship forever.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Yes, we're going to enumerate where you can find a perfect and free reserved supply for turning your marriage nearby no matter how bad it is, but first let's talk about this for a minute.

The easy truth of the matter is this...

Traditional Christian marriage counseling just doesn't work.

But what's even worse, the years that we've spent teaching thousands of couples how to have outrageously happy marriages have proven that traditional marriage counseling makes it more likely that your marriage will fall apart.

We know that that's not going to be easy for a lot of population to hear. You've probably tried all of the traditional guidance - the "wife must submit plan," the "wife respect the husband plan," maybe even the "husband is the slave leader plan." And still, it's not working.

Fourteen years ago, our own marriage was headed for divorce. And, probably like you, we were headed that way even though we tried to ensue all of the traditional guidance that we had been told had been laid down in the Bible. It wasn't until we learned the truth that we were able to save our marriage and come to be the outrageously happy consolidate that we are today.

Problem is, a lot of what passes as guidance for Christian couples today has been misinterpreted. Many of the things that traditional Christian marriage counselors teach plainly isn't right.

We're not saying that all of these so-called experts are willfully misinforming the church. Most of them, we're sure, indubitably do mean well. But the problem is that they're operating from faulty assumptions.

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