Monday, June 25, 2012

What is Body Centered Psychotherapy?

#1. What is Body Centered Psychotherapy?

What is Body Centered Psychotherapy?

Body centered psychotherapy, also known as somatic psychotherapy, encompasses a collection of approaches to psychological condition that acknowledge the point of the body in forming our caress of life and actively use the body in therapy as a source of data and a resource for healing. The feelings, emotions and impulses that arise from the body are an integral part of our caress of life but we often repress, cut off or don't recognize them due to our physiological and psychological adaptations to the constraints of our environment.

What is Body Centered Psychotherapy?

Working with the body in psychotherapy opens up a wealth of options for understanding, experiencing and curative that approved talk therapy is often unable to tap due to the operate of the aware over cognition and verbal expression, the body's role in creating the corporal sensations that are the root of emotion and the bodies role in maintaining muscular tension that anchors and reinforces our characterological responses to our environment. Body centered psychotherapy helps us deal with our concerns by helping us come to be deeply aware of our corporal sensations, feelings and impulses as well as our emotions, thoughts and behavior.

Body centered psychotherapy does this largely through awareness, action and resourcing. Awareness is advanced in body centered psychotherapy through scanning and tracking such things as sensations, feelings, emotions, breath and tension. action expresses impulses, releases tension or constriction and either builds or releases energy through grounding, movement and expression. Body centered psychotherapy exponentially teaches clients to value and utilizing their bodies as a resource for security, power and pleasure.

Throughout the process of body psychotherapy the client is directed to institute addition awareness of their corporal sensations and experiences. As a client of body centered psychotherapy, you will come to be more aware of how you breathe, move, speak, and where you caress feelings in your body. This is useful in numerous ways.

Emotions are cognitive interpretations of feelings that institute out of corporal reactions to stimuli. Because emotions are generated out of corporal sensation, developing a greater awareness of corporal sensations gives us a much more immediate, profound and nuanced caress and comprehension of our emotional experiences and the feeling states that originate them than is possible through purely cognitive work. Body centered psychotherapy directs the client's awareness to tightness and constriction that choke off feelings, emotions, vitality and lock the client into a minuscule pattern of perceiving and reacting to their environment. It creates awareness about the caress or belief that led to a singular constriction, impulse or sensation and allows the client to reevaluate the usefulness of the belief to them in the gift on a much more primal level than is possible through discourse. Awareness of corporal sensations also put us in touch with our natural rhythms of breathing, moving, acting and healing. Arresting at the pace of these natural rhythms allows our body, mind and psyche to operate as efficiently as possible, which allows us to deal with challenges more effectively, aids in our curative and contributes to our increase and evolution. Awareness exercises are particularly useful for managing anxiety, dissociation and compulsions.

A Body Centered Psychotherapist is also able to aid the client in using movement and corporal expression in therapy. This can be very directive, such as through the use of Bioenergetic stances and exercises or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, involve corporal contact, such as in Reichian muscle armor manipulation, or be non-directive, such as in Authentic Movement, and many variations in between.

Use of corporal expression develops greater awareness of corporal sensation and impulses. issue tension and constriction in the body issue trauma reactions held in the nervous theory and musculature of the body Can either build or issue energy Movement and corporal expression can be a fine tool for Arresting through areas in our life where we are stuck such as when we are struggling with depression, anxiety, trauma, chronic pain and compulsions.

Body centered psychotherapy directs the client's awareness to a broad array of sensations and movements that can come to be a fine source of grounding, wisdom and satisfaction for the client. Client's who have use Body Centered Psychotherapy as a path to curative often find their body to be a huge resource for them face of therapy. The consciousness and skills advanced in Body Centered Psychotherapy can serve as:

A source of grounding and energy supervision to deal with anxiety, depression and tension A regain base and source of power for accomplishing your dreams A resource for information, intuition and wisdom that our busy mind often overlooks A huge source of satisfaction and joy. A guide for seeing one's true path when navigating difficult transitions and adjustments such as association issues, work changes, sexual identity issues, gender identity issues and coping with grief and loss. It is also tremendously significant to clients who are committed to going beyond the point of being conventionally "healthy" and who want to developing deeper self awareness and achieving a greater sense of joy and fulfillment in their lives.

Body centered psychotherapy takes many forms running the range from extremely directive to thoroughly nondirective, Arresting a lot of corporal caress between therapist and client to none at all or using specific exercises and interventions to focusing solely on breath or corporal experience. Some modalities such as Bioenergetic Analysis, Hakomi recipe or Emdr are extremely psychological while others such as Feldenkrais recipe or Rolfing look more like massage or corporal therapy; still others such as Authentic Movement are more akin to dance.

Some exercise modalities such as yoga, qigong and tai chi are rarely classified as body centered psychotherapy but operate with similar theory and can yield some similar results. Within the scope of body centered psychotherapy is a broad range of options for clients to choose from. Overall, the awareness of the self advanced through body centered psychotherapy deepens our cognitive comprehension of ourselves, provides us with a rich and rewarding comprehension of ourselves and others, a solid foundation for stability and growth, and a great source of dynamic power, satisfaction and vitality.

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