Monday, June 25, 2012

Resentment - A Marriage Destroyer

--Marriage Therapy of Resentment - A Marriage Destroyer--

Resentment - A Marriage Destroyer

Resentment? What's that? according to Readers discharge family Thesaurus, resentment means bad feelings, anger, outraged spirit, crossness, bad temper, dungeon huff, ill will, rancor, bitterness, sourness, wounded pride, hurt feelings, displeasure, animosity.

Resentment - A Marriage Destroyer

Do any of these feelings sound familiar? Do you harbor any of these feelings about your spouse? It's true, we do feel negative at times, and it is because we're hurting. We hurt because we allowed man to hurt us. There is nothing wrong with you for having these feelings. What's wrong though, is when we harbor negative feelings inside of ourselves and don't do any thing about it.

When we don't voice our feelings in a permissible manner, or not at all, it will carry a negative sway on our self and those around us.

Examples of how not expressing our self properly will harbor resentment.

(1) A husband resents his wife for gaining weight. He pokes fun at her in front of their friends and sometimes won't make love to her. Because of his behavior, she thinks he doesn't love her anymore and she is hurt and resentful.

Jabbing fun at your spouse because they have gained weight is cruel and demeaning. They may lose weight for you, but ultimately gain it all back because they didn't do it for themselves. Try and back off for a while-give your spouse a occasion to resolve what they want to do for them self.

(2) A wife is angry and resentful because her husband spends too much time with his buddies. When he ultimately does come home at night, she constantly nags at him about anything and everything and he ignores her and walks away feeling resentful.

Constantly complaining and nagging at your husband isn't going to bring him home any sooner. If you're going to nag, don't say anything at all. Get your mind occupied with something other than the fact your husbands out with his buddies instead of home with you. When he does come home, let him see you doing something you enjoy for yourself and that you aren't going to let his behavior bother you anymore. In other words, ladies, don't let your husband think you have nothing else great to do with your time, then sit around and brood over him. Continue on with the evening and forget about it. Afterwards, you'll feel so good about yourself you won't even feel resentful anymore!

Many issues like those above follow couples all the time. The goal here is to express how we feel about obvious issues Before they turn into resentment.

Sometimes what happens in the middle of couples is they pick to hold onto the hurt rather than express themselves. Subconsciously we do this reasoning we're positively hurting our spouse, like a form of getting them back. But in reality we're only causing more of an emotional question within our self. And we don't want that.

A healthy, growing marriage relies on both couples feeling good about who they are. In that respect there is no room for that bad feeling called resentment.

We blame our spouse for our feelings of resentment, and spend a lot of energy trying to convert them into something we think will make us feel great about ourselves. But unfortunately, we find ourselves unfulfilled and wallowing in even more resentment because of it.

This is so detrimental to the marriage. These feelings can positively cause couples to think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, but it is only a mirage, folks. The grass is not greener over there. In fact, your grass could be green again too, if only you would cultivate it better.

It's all up to you. We have choices, and we're adults! The bottom line is this, we cannot convert our spouse, and we cannot expect our spouse to make us happy! Know it and believe it!

I have compiled a small list of issues that can and will turn into resentment in the home. These things are only the branches that have their roots from the tree of life. The branches are dying parts of the tree that if not attended to like a baby needs milk will eventual shrivel up and die. Take care of your marriage.

The wife says,

He spends too much money
Spends too much time at work
Spends too much time watching Tv
Womanizes & has affairs
Abusive (mentally and Physically)
Drinks too much
Unhelpful around the house and with the kids

The husbands says,

She spends too much time at work
Spends too much time with the kids
Spends too much time with her family, and or friends
Too religious
Nags and complains
Dresses great for others
Spends too much money
Gains weight
Cold and rigid
Too controlling

What you can do for yourself? These issues can be dealt with by permissible communication and the willingness to forgive the faults and errs of your spouse.

(1) Be assertive, but kind, and express your boundaries

(2) Forgive your spouse and let go of resentment you have towards them

(3) relate by listening more - ask questions.

(4) Express true feelings without being afraid that you won't be loved

(5) Stop focusing on how to convert your mate, but focus on how you can convert yourself

(6) Find and bring up the spiritual aspect of your character

Number six entails greater insight into the nature and form of God. In my newly released book, Journey on the Roads Less Traveled, I explain the concepts associated with insight the spiritual self and utilizing the spiritual tools that God gives us to bring up our self and spouse. For more information on this unique Christian book, please see my websites.

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