Monday, June 18, 2012

The Top 3 reputation Preserving Strategies Overlooked by Most divorce Attorneys at Time of divorce

California Counseling License - The Top 3 reputation Preserving Strategies Overlooked by Most divorce Attorneys at Time of divorce
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The Dilemma

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How is The Top 3 reputation Preserving Strategies Overlooked by Most divorce Attorneys at Time of divorce

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from California Counseling License.

Let's face it: practicing disunion law has come to be harder to do. Not that the custom has come to be more complex but that the actual time you have to spend practicing it has diminished. This, in part, is due to the rise in internet divorces. According the the consummate Court, 65% of all divorces are Pro Se--the divorcing parties relate themselves1. Another factor is that new law grads are beginning to saturate the market.

According to the relationship of Legal vocation Professions more than half (55.8%) of employed graduates took jobs in law firms in 2005 and as of February 2007 the vast majority of the Class of 2006 law school graduates (90.7%) were employed. In other words you competition is increasing. Oh right, I forgot you're dealing with higher end clients who need an experienced lawyer.

Try this one on for size. Community as a whole each year is becoming more and more comfortable with the internet and the services it provides. We have vaults of facts at our fingertips and we've come to be a generation of informed buyers. Have you ever had anyone do their own research first online and then feel you to fill in what gaps they couldn't find online? Did you know that the four most oftentimes searched expert industries online are medical, legal, auto and student loan consolidation. Consumers are out there getting informed. Now as to either it's right facts or not is Another story.

However, both of these trends factor into the loss of business earnings you otherwise would have had. The informed buyer now has taken the strangeness out of disunion law by researching it online. Heck, that's what I did when I went straight through my divorce. Once they've taken away your expertise by knowing as much as there is to know about disunion law and their personal situation, the only thing left to negotiate is price. My poor attorney felt so bad because there wasn't any advice or counsel for him to offer us. All he felt he could do was fee us a filing fee.

If that wasn't bad enough, wait till you get a load of this. The influx of new house law attorneys are also pulling fees down. As the provide of other practicing disunion attorneys infiltrate your market area and the query for your services drop so does the price along with it. Both of these trends can be detrimental to your lowest line. If you haven't felt it yet you will.

Another risky trend to watch out for is commoditization. This trend brought the mortgage industry to its knees. Supposedly informed borrowers shopped for mortgages online based solely on price. The shopping for a mortgage online, which eliminates the advice and expertise of a professional, left many to make poor decisions. In the end, the decision to save a buck ended up costing them far more than what they initially saved - their house. The same is true for the disunion industry and those that shop for the lowest attorney fees.

Public Perspective

Now that you know that all the disunion knowledge anyone could ever want is on the internet and that new lawyers are a dime a dozen, you need to ask yourself: Where does my business come from? almost 80% of companies obtain 70% of their business straight through word of mouth from satisfied customers and contacts2. Where does 70% of your business come from? Most legal professionals get their clients from two sources, other professionals or ads.

What do some of your past clients have to say about your services? Your past or current clients are by far the best source of new business or the fastest way to go bankrupt. You good treat them as if your custom depended on it, because it does. Let's look at what others have had to say about their experiences with their disunion attorney.

A post from revealed this...

"...I went into debt during the disunion process. There were times when I paid my attorneys with prestige cards. When my disunion finally cleared I was mired in debt."

Here's Another one from the personal blog of Marc Perkel...

"... It's a tasteless tactic these days for lawyers to suggest clients that if you accuse the male of sexual abuse you can get him out of the house and eventually get it and more property...These lawyers are no more than tasteless thieves [sic]. These are the kind of lawyers that bring shame on the American Ju$tice Sy$tem."

Ok, so they're saying going straight through a disunion can be expensive, if not costly, when using an attorney. This isn't news to anyone. Let's peek at what Andrew DeFaria wrote about attorneys on his personal blog ...

"...Lawyers suck! They admittedly are not alway [sic] seeing out for your best interests. They prefer a cookie cutter case that they can apply a cookie cutter explication to. Case in point, my disunion attorney is just trying to settle

things. "

Do you think he's sugar coating it? I mean attorneys admittedly do offer value and don't run away from a fight the occasion things get a microscopic tough or want to settle, do they?

Take a look at this last string of posts all from the same forum entitled "Re: Sleeping with attorney..."

"... I think lawyers sleeping with their clients is fairly common."

"... I am come to learn house law attorneys are in it Only for the money. This whole 'fight for you' is a crock of

[censored]. And they shouldn't [sic] be paid un-less they deliver what they promise."

"... My attorney was an [censored]. If I'd had more money I would have switched right away3."

Wham bam thank you ma'am. There you have it. The number one complaints about disunion attorneys are...

1.) They charge/cost too much and use strategies to help your spouse get the most out of you.

2.) They don't fight for you and they deliver less than startling performance.

3.) They maybe will sleep with you, which one commenter mentions is all "part of the game".

Wait a minute! What in the world does all this have to do with "The 3 prestige Preserving Strategies Attorneys Overlook"? It doesn't, but ignoring these buyer complaints will do more damage than good. Your public perception is what precedes you. Knowing this is half the game. Let's briefly address each of these, and then I promise to get into the 3 overlooked areas. I want you to know how important these perceptions are first because each of these poses a threat to your custom and if ignored have the potential to bankrupt you.

The first one is the idea that attorneys fee a lot for their services and commonly their clients run out of funds and have to borrow money in order to continue. This is commonly done by charging the fees to a prestige card or borrowing from a house member. Everybody knows that attorneys cost money. This isn't new. However, the way that they are able to make the most of every case is where the public has its complaint. What lawyers will do is "drum up a fight" or "stir the pot" to drag the case out for as long as possible, According to Natalie Wright, Jd. She mentions that attorneys do this solely to make money off of the client and that they like to fight just to fight, because fighting is what prolongs the disunion process.

This brings us to our next complaint: most house law practitioners are too weak to fight. Anne Kass, a retired District Judge of Albuquerque, New Mexico, said that she has heard population who are mental about getting a disunion say, "I want the meanest, toughest attorney I can find. I want a fighter." In her plan a "fighter" isn't necessarily a good lawyer (mainly for the reasons cited above). Kass says that a good lawyer gives clients bad news and delivers things that the client does not want to hear. They don't lead their client on or give them unreal expectations. Have you heard of a disunion cases where there wasn't any bad news to be given? In Kass' plan divorcing couples are wise to hire lawyers who are peacemakers and problem solvers. If a settlement is to be made it needs to be made in the light of peacemaking and problem solving with the client as part of the solution, however rare that might be.

This last grievance is not only a perception and concern of the public towards lawyers, but of the Bar relationship as well. In a New York Times article published September 5, 1993, it pointed out the fact that "California prohibits lawyers from sexually exploiting clients. The rule does not flatly ban intimacy, but says a lawyer cannot query sexual favors as a condition of representation." In the same article it states that "some lawyers say matrimonial lawyers in singular ought to be banned from sex with clients, just as psychiatrists are." Clearly this is a bigger issue than just man ranting about it on a message board somewhere in cyberspace. It was big enough for the New York Times to issue an article addressing this issue way back in 1993. That was almost 15 years ago from the time of this publication. Things have gotten worse since then.

Based on research done by Alicia Williamson at and published on January 8, 2008, there are many more complaints filed against disunion lawyers than any other kind of attorney. She also cited that disunion lawyers were punished more than other lawyers for violations of ethics and a high division of lawyers suffer from substance abuse, alcoholism and mental issues. Can you think of a few of your peers off hand that suffer from these symptoms?

Let's face it: public faith in the legal profession is not merely low but is declining at an accelerating rate. during the past decade the division of population willing to rate lawyers' honesty and ethical standards as "high" or "very high" has fallen off the cliff from 22% to 13% (according to Gallup). This is an average decline of nearly 1% per year4. With news like "A Southern California lawyer accused by the State Bar of spending more than 7,000 of client money on travel, clothing and beauty treatments has lost her license,"5 it makes attorneys who custom honest law and add essential contribution to their clients admittedly hard to be seen as such.

Unfortunately, attorneys like Corri Fetman, a.k.a. "The Home Wrecker" aren't doing too much to help promote the image of being honest and ethical. Of her marketing style and tactics Joe Ducanto of the American Academy of matrimonial Attorneys said that "this reflects badly on women in general, and on lawyers. It is just in bad taste."6 It seems that some attorneys have recognized the public's perception and are just marketing accordingly. Why not, right? She's just banking on broken homes. Where do you fit in the mix of all this?

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