Saturday, June 30, 2012

How to Overcome Resentment in a Marriage Before it Destroys Your connection

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How to Overcome Resentment in a Marriage Before it Destroys Your connection

Make no mistake about it, resentment is a marriage killer. Holding onto resentment makes a healthy, happy marriage impossible. You cannot feel love while being resentful. Real intimacy is not inherent while Holding on to resentment. The more resentment you have, the more negative your feelings will be toward your spouse. In order to have a successful, wholesome relationship, you must learn to overcome your resentment toward your spouse. If you do not find a way to get rid of the negative feelings, you risk having your marriage fail. Let's look at what causes resentment in the first place and at what needs to be done to overcome resentment in a marriage.

How to Overcome Resentment in a Marriage Before it Destroys Your connection

What is resentment? The dictionary definition says "the feeling of displeasure or indignation at some act, remark, person, etc., regarded as causing injury or insult". So, to put it simply, resentment is your negative feelings about something that has happened to you. Resentment can also be thought of as unexpressed anger. We have all had things happen that caused us to feel resentful for a short time, but we soon forgot about it and moved on, The danger to a marriage occurs when resentment builds each time there is disagreement or disagreement.

How does resentment build? Any time small problems are ignored and larger issues are avoided, resentment will build. Unresolved problems and not being able to reach an agreement, (even if that means according to disagree) when disagreement arises is the biggest cause of resentment in a marriage. Feelings of being taken for granted or of being unappreciated can also cause resentment. When resentment builds, your negative feelings toward your spouse grow to the point that is is hard to look at them in any way except negatively.

Lack of transportation is a huge factor contributing to resentment. If something is bothering you and you don't speak up, you are only adding to the problem. You must identify the issues and openly and for real discuss them. Advent the issues with an open mind and try to see your spouses point of view. If the real issues are not resolved, resentment will build and you will find yourself resenting everything your spouse does from the way they brush their hair to the way they make a sandwich. Silly, you bet, but it is the truth.

Negative feelings caused by resentment influence not only your spouse but they also influence you. It doesn't matter how happy a man you ordinarily are, Holding onto resentment takes away your joy in living manufacture you bitter. It changes how you interact with your spouse and with others, causing you to only see the bad and never see the good that is for real there.

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