Friday, June 15, 2012

Pros And Cons When Returning To College At 40

#1. Pros And Cons When Returning To College At 40

Pros And Cons When Returning To College At 40

Congratulations! Returning to school is tough overall. Aggregate this with everyday lives of students who have kids and jobs and you have full havoc on your hands. The pros outweigh the cons when you are 40, and returning to school. I want to list the pros first because I think they prove motivating to be motivating factors when contemplating going back to school at 40.

Pros And Cons When Returning To College At 40

Pros of going back to school at 40

1. Completing your degree can help you professionally.

2. Even though, you are 40 and will be determined outdated by your younger hereafter classmates, you are bringing something to the arena of academia which they cannot. Work Experience! Your experiences will help tremendously, especially if you want to be a company major.

3. At 40 years of age, you prove wise. You will find that you comprise patience and more of an eagerness to learn. You will find that you will be more zealous in completing homework as well as asking for help from the instructors if needed.

4. If you have a house and career, you already have the time-management skills, which will help tremendously while attending college.

5. You will find the initiative of pleasing your house while improving the life of your house can be a motivational factor. When others give up, you will know that failure is not an option.

6. You will not have the mystery of obtaining a public life through the college. You already have house and friends. You will be able to couple fully on the scholastic tasks before you.

7. You will be able to recapitulate to your instructors because you more than likely will be the same age or older.

8. Your belief will rise to the mountaintops and why would it not? Upon graduating with your college degree, you will have the delight of knowing you obtained this gigantic achievement while raising children and maintaining your personal life.

9. You will show every person colse to you that you are a "go-getter".

10. You will be a phenomenal model for your children and family.

Cons of going back to school at 40:

1. You will feel alienated at first because let us face facts here; you are older than most every person in your classes, especially if you are attending day classes at your college.

2. You will have to juggle your college classes along with your already busy life.

3. Your boss at your current job may not be supportive of your college schedule. If this happens, you might find yourself switching jobs that will prove supportive or leaving the workforce altogether, at least until you quit school. This could quite possibly generate a financial hardship on your family.

4. You will find your energy level not as it used to be when you were younger. Younger students do not have children to take care of, a house to clean, a job to work, and they do not have the daily tasks that you have. I would propose energy drinks while expanding your daily exercise; of course, you will have to find time to fit in working out in a gym or more walks while the day.

5. If you have children and are a particular parent, you will have to make accommodations for your children while at school.

6. You might have to perfect an internship for your degree agenda before you graduate college. This can be a nightmare, especially if you already work. Imagine having to work your regular job to help preserve your house plus a non-paid internship. More times to none if you are already working a job, the college might waive the internship because let us face it; you already have work taste at 40 years of age. Make sure you ask your scholastic counselor about this.

7. If you are a parent, you are going to miss things with your children. Most students at 40 years of age are forced to go to school at night. This will eliminate momentous time with your children at night and bedtime.

As you can see, the pros far outweigh the cons of going back to school when you are 40 years of age. The best guidance I can give anything attempting this monumental feat is to never give up. It becomes quite desirable to give up when you are tired from your long day of work, dealing with your children, and knowing you have to sit in class for 3 hours at night.

You must focus on the future. What is a year or so of your life in sacrificing when you will be benefitting immensely from your reduce with a best financial future? Hang in there and keep reaching for your goals. You will find that at 40 years of age, you will appreciate the sacrifices and opportunities presented to you more than your younger classmates. You will at last be able to look back on this ordeal as a huge milestone in not only your own life but also that of your family. Your house is depending on you and you cannot let them down. Keep going and good luck!

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