Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Matters of the Heart Segment 2

1# Matters of the Heart Segment 2.

VDO of Matters of the Heart Segment 2

Matters of the Heart Segment 2 Tube. Duration : 4.70 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Family Counselor. Wouldn't it be wonderful if You had a crystal ball and would Know if you were having a heart Attack. Well, Columbus radio Announcer Daphne Bell has found A different calling in recent Years. It's to educate people about the Dangers about their heart Disease factors. Her husband Todd Bell died from A heart attack. He was standing at the door And see you later. And I said okay. See you later, and 12 minutes Later he had a massive heart Attack behind the steering wheel Of our car and died instantly. And no symptoms. No symptoms that I knew of. I've gone and talked about it With our doctor. Todd did not display any Symptoms to me. Know your family history. That was the missing piece to His life. So I tell people all the time Talk to each other. Talk to your doctor. Take notes. Write down information. Anything that you think I don't Care how minute it may sound to You. Anything that you can think of, Know your body. Talk to your doctor about any Symptoms or pains or discomfort That you're not typically prone To. If you're not prone to that then There could be something wrong. Know your body, talk to your Doctor and talk to your family. We have Amy Stern here. She's a certified genetic Counselor at Ohio State Medical Center. Your family tree can tell a lot About your health. Daphne's message is knowledge Is power. Had Todd known maybe some Information about his family History, he could have gone into A cardiologist and had a Checkup, and made sure to look At all his risk ...
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