Monday, June 4, 2012

Confrontation Counseling

--Marriage Therapy of Confrontation Counseling--

Confrontation Counseling

The extreme purpose in seeking psychotherapy is to come to be your own therapist. On occasion, you may find yourself acting as therapist for your loved ones. This is very generally done by parents with their children. In fact, the parent is probably the best therapist for a child. You indeed have frequent entrance to your kids! It may be a miniature trickier with your spouse though. You might have to make it look like changing is their own idea. Good luck with that.

Confrontation Counseling

Therapy is always about convert so if you don't want convert stay away from therapy. The clarification to many problems will involve some change. But, in marriage and house life, the problems, like wonders, never cease. You will have opportunities! Spouses and parents can do a lot to help themselves and their loved ones get through difficult situations (i.e. Help them change.) But there may be some dissatisfaction complicated before you can get there.

Since disagreement and dissatisfaction are inevitable, so is anger. Anger, like other emotions, is contagious. If you have a plan going in, it's going to be easier to operate your own angry behavior. Then, by using a easy method, you can help your loved one to operate theirs, too. This is where you start doing "therapy".

The easy recipe I advise is called Confrontation Counseling. I learned it while working with teenage delinquents at the Florida Keys maritime Institute, a highly praised rehabilitation agenda for wayward youth. It works well in families, too. Here's how it goes.

When angry behavior gets out of hand, you just focus on that specific behavior until it ceases or at least is under control. Yelling, getting in your face, threats and violence all make it impossible to continue a consulation with any hope of resolving an issue.

Since resolution is the goal, you calmly refuse to engage the issue until resolution is again possible. Instead, you tell the angry someone that they must stop the disruptive behavior before you will go on with the discussion.

It will help if you do not stand toe-to-toe with the angry person. Don't make yourself a target. You are not trying to operate them. You're asking them to operate themselves. Back off a little. Turn away but don't run away.

Anger is not a question to be solved. It's just an emotion. It's the behavior linked with anger that is disruptive, destructive and sometimes dangerous. We must all learn to monitor and operate angry behavior to have healthy relationships.

Confrontation Counseling is a way you can help your loved ones to acquire operate so that conflicts can be resolved. And it couldn't be simpler. Hopefully, with a miniature consistent and patient counseling from you, they will learn to operate themselves and we will all be a miniature safer.

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