Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What Happens After a Violation of Probation?

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Once a person has been placed on probation for allegedly committing a criminal offense, they may unwittingly violate the terms of their probation. Many citizen who have never been charged with a crime or convicted of a crime may not even perceive the ramifications of this violation. The following describes common probation violations and the consequences a person can sense for committing a probation violation.

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How is What Happens After a Violation of Probation?

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How is Probation Defined?

Probation is often called society supervision, society control, supervision, administrative probation, and adult society supervision. No matter what it is called, probation is granted by the court to clear individuals for committing some kind of offense in lieu of harsher punishments like jail or prison sentences. In order to be placed on probation, the private Must supervene clear terms of the probation that are created by the court.

What Are common Probation Requirements?

The terms of your probation will vary depending on the crime you were charged with. common requirements can consist of quarterly meetings with your probation officer, cost of fines or court costs, attendance at counseling or classes, completion of society service, facility of an interlock gismo on your car, requirements to not commit other offenses, house arrest and drug or alcohol testing.

What Are the Most common Probation Violations?

It can be very easy for person to violate their probation without intentionally doing so. Most probation requirements are extensive, precious and most likely required to be completed within a clear time.

There are two types of probation violations a person can commit - substantive violation and technical violations. Substantive violations of probation occur if you commit someone else criminal offense while you are on probation. A technical probation violation can occur if you have violated one of the terms of your probation.

What constitutes a technical probation violation regularly depends on the exact terms of your probation and what criminal charges were brought against you. For example, a person who has received a Dui may be required to have an interlock gismo installed on their car. A person may violate this requirement if they do not put the gismo on their car in a timely manner or fail to have it calibrated every month. Other common violations can consist of failure to meet with your probation officer in a timely manner, failure to pay fines or fees on time, failure to take or successfully pass a drug or alcohol test, failure to quit counseling or classes, and failure to timely complete society service.

What Can Happen to person if They Violate Probation?

A violation can lead to severe repercussions, along with revocation of the probation, imposition by the court of a jail or prison sentence up to the maximum statutorily proper punishment for your basal offense, extension of the distance of your probation, imposition of supplementary requirements to your probation, or an adjudication of guilty for the basal offense.

What Should I Do if I Potentially Violated My Probation?

If you think you may have violated a term of your probation, have a certify out for your arrest for violating probation, or believe your probation officer may claim you have violated your probation, it is beneficial to hire a criminal defense attorney. An attorney can help you avoid waiting in jail for weeks or months while the court resolves the violation of your probation, can request supplementary time to comply with the terms of your probation, or even persuade the judge to dismiss the allegation of the violation and quit or reinstate the probation.

How is a Violation of Probation Hearing Special?
You have already experienced a criminal trial, maybe in front of a jury, where the prosecution was able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were guilty of a criminal offense. A probation violation hearing is different in many regards. It is presided over by a judge and there is no jury. Additionally, the prosecutor must prove by a preponderance of evidence that you violated the terms of your probation. This means that they have to prove that you more than likely committed a violation of probation, which is a lower appropriate than in your prior criminal trial.

There are many factors considered as the judge determines if you have violated your probation or what the consequences may be. Unlike quarterly criminal trials, where sentencing is considered by a rigid set of statute, probation violation hearings may supervene in more subjective sentencing. This may hinge on both the nature and severity of the violation. If you have a history of probation violation or have committed new crimes in the process of your probation, this can weigh heavily on the court's decision.

However, other factors are taken into account, which may be beneficial to your case. The probation officer may also be an asset in this case, especially if you have otherwise stayed right to the terms of your parole. Their view on the violation and that of the probation group can help paint the violation as a fluke occurrence or one that was a supervene of circumstances beyond your control.

Regardless of the offense you have been convicted of, you have clear rights. You still voice the right to an attorney, the right to call or confront witnesses, and the right to testify on your behalf. More importantly, you also have the right to present mitigating circumstances, which may have contributed to the alleged violation of probation. This can be a great asset, either you are representing yourself or are represented by a probation violation attorney.

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