Saturday, September 8, 2012

How to Learn Marriage Counseling? With The disunion Rate So High More Counselors Are Needed!

#1. How to Learn Marriage Counseling? With The disunion Rate So High More Counselors Are Needed!

How to Learn Marriage Counseling? With The disunion Rate So High More Counselors Are Needed!

So you are wondering if it is possible to learn marriage counseling, right? Well, that is a very noble pursuit, if you do determine to pursue it.

How to Learn Marriage Counseling? With The disunion Rate So High More Counselors Are Needed!

The surmise for this may precisely be the surmise why you are request about the possibility of becoming a consultant yourself - the divorce rate is extremely high!

As at today it stands at 1 in 3 marriages ending in divorce. What exactly does that mean? It plainly means that for every three weddings officiated, one will end in divorce. It is a bleak statistic and one that we all need to do something about.

Therefore it is vital that we encourage more and more habitancy to go into the area of counseling. Becoming a marital consultant is not difficult. You may pick to do it expertly or not. What do I mean by that?

If you determine not to do it expertly you may plainly get books on the topic and read about it, then add your own life experience to what the books say and advice couples in need (informally) based on your experience laced with the knowledge you have recently garnered from the books you read.

A few habitancy may find this overwhelming but on close test who precisely is a counselor? A consultant is someone who gives advice based on personal experience or expertise - whether you have gone straight through something, sometime in your past or you studied about a thing and know quite a lot about it.

If, on the other hand you desire to pursue counseling professionally, then you need to do the following:

1. You need to learn about therapy and how to work with people. You need to study additional about psychology, human behavior (behavioral science) and human development. You can skip the class on telepathy - you won't be needing it.

2. Get clinical experience - this will be especially easy if you are in college. Since you have identified that you would love to go into the area of counseling, forget about the sorority binge parties and face those books in front of you - someone's life may depend on it in future.

You should also try to volunteer to any local mental condition clinics nearby you so as to get the hang of working with people. Other places you can volunteer include, but are not limited to, the following; a urgency hotline town or communal aid organization

3. You could take it a step additional and enroll in a master's degree agenda so that you can become certified as a Marriage and family Therapist (Mft).

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