Friday, August 31, 2012

He Quit Drinking So Why Don't I Have My Husband Back?

Southern California Counseling Center - He Quit Drinking So Why Don't I Have My Husband Back? The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination He Quit Drinking So Why Don't I Have My Husband Back?. And the content associated with Southern California Counseling Center.

Do you know about - He Quit Drinking So Why Don't I Have My Husband Back?

Southern California Counseling Center! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

It's a common, if quiet, complaint heard over lunch, or at breaks in meetings, at the accommodation of industry mixer, or the League of Women Voters retreat. "My husband finally quit drinking, attends Aa, and life is actually calmer, but..." The "buts" are varied, but essentially come down to the fact that while one's spouse is no longer actively drinking miniature else has changed.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Southern California Counseling Center. You look at this article for info on a person wish to know is Southern California Counseling Center.

How is He Quit Drinking So Why Don't I Have My Husband Back?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Southern California Counseling Center.

An unfortunate side result of Aa and other 12-Step based programs is that while they may help a man stop drinking, they actually encourage him to maintain, and even expand, his focus on alcohol. So he continues to neglect his family and remain emotionally distant from his wife and she doesn't even get to complain about it because he is "working his program." For her, precious miniature has changed.

"I'm truly glad that he isn't drinking," one said. "I don't miss the late night worrying, the calls for bail or a ride home. I don't miss wondering about our debts, credit rating, or either he's going to get fired. But he's still got his head in a bottle and we don't even fight anymore. There seems to be so much less of him now than when he was drinking, even. I probably sound selfish and ungrateful, but I miss him."

It's a coarse and heart-breaking story. Other failure of the American ideas of alcohol medicine - a ideas that even when it works merely substitutes one form of alcohol obsession for another.

Looked at logically it's easy to see what happens. Instead of avoiding problems by hanging out at bars with drinking buddies, your husband now spends it at 12-Step Meetings with, well, drinking buddies. Instead of confiding to his bartender, now he shares his innermost thoughts with his "Sponsor." Where he used to excuse any behavior with "I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing," now it's "I'm working my program."

Not worrying about either or not he's going to make it home becomes small payment for still not having a husband in any meaningful sense. But you dare not complain lest you send him back to actively drinking again. He's still captive to alcohol and you're still being blackmailed into retention quiet about it.

Not exactly major strengthen if you want a real relationship.

The implied, but no less real, threats aren't subtle. "Don't complain or you'll be responsible for him relapsing." That's nonsense but it's hard to ignore when every person from Dear Abby to the priest is saying it. They also tell you to be grateful and that it's "the only way." Of policy that's idiocy too.

There are a few voices of fancy but they are usually drowned out by the cacophony of 12-Step honking. Here are a few thoughts to think as you continue to be neglected, diminished, or shut out, by yet Other interrogate of "The Program."

Your husband's alcohol abuse, active or passive, is his qoute and responsibility. You didn't cause it, you can't fix it, nor will you reignite it. All of those choices were, and remain, his.

If he prefers his association with alcohol to one with you, well, okay, but he doesn't get to complain when you rule you'd prefer one with someone else - someone capable of real intimacy with you, not with a bottle or a program.

If he actually wants to kick the 12-Step Habit and leave alcohol behind, and keep you, it is actually potential and probably a lot more fun than sitting in drafty smoke filled basements drinking bad coffee.

You might want to start by taking equal time. For every meeting he attends, you go to a class, a workout, a bar, whatever appeals. If he objects, note that you are only "working your program." Please create one more inspiring than his. God knows you've earned it.

You are understandably dissatisfied and that isn't going to change until you do something about it yourself. Maybe it's selfish to want a faultless life instead of one spent sharing him with his obsession but, if that is his choice, so be it. Don't continue to be intimidated by 12-Step nonsense. You have a right to a faultless life either he wants one or not.

I hope you get new knowledge about Southern California Counseling Center. Where you'll be able to put to use within your everyday life. And above all, your reaction is Southern California Counseling Center.Read more.. one-time offer He Quit Drinking So Why Don't I Have My Husband Back?. View Related articles associated with Southern California Counseling Center. I Roll below. I have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share He Quit Drinking So Why Don't I Have My Husband Back?.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Psychiatric medicine Options - Why You Need to Trust Your Therapist

California Counseling - Psychiatric medicine Options - Why You Need to Trust Your Therapist The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Psychiatric medicine Options - Why You Need to Trust Your Therapist. And the content associated with California Counseling.

Do you know about - Psychiatric medicine Options - Why You Need to Trust Your Therapist

California Counseling! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Marriage therapy is just the right explication for couples seeking distinct ways to save their crumbling marriage. A reputable marriage therapist provides you the best explication while tough phases of life. However, willingness of couples is needful to get satiating outcomes.

What I said. It is not outcome that the true about California Counseling. You see this article for home elevators that need to know is California Counseling.

How is Psychiatric medicine Options - Why You Need to Trust Your Therapist

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from California Counseling.

Is misunderstanding, argument or loneliness a part of your married life? If yes, you are de facto facing the toughest phase of your relationship. Although every endeavor made to bring life back to the breaking connection seems futile, but still couples wish for some miracles to happen.

When every endeavor fails, there is one person who can put your married life back to its right place. With a reputable marriage therapist you can rest assured to get sufficient solutions and save it from falling apart. They are the professionals who understand importance of the connection and thus try their best to determine all the marital issues between couples.

Many couples are able to solve problems on their own, but some other couples find it difficult to determine conflicts between them and end up in a broken marriage. Marriage therapy is the one stop explication for couples to save their marriage and get the right guidance for a thriving relationship.

Although there are citizen who do not hesitate to undergo marriage counseling, some couples view it as a waste of time. However, things are the other way round! Marriage counseling offers you a great platform to enrich the connection by applying the most easy and practical methods.

Professional therapists act as real problem solvers who help you to make your married life a thriving and happy one. With their expertise in marriage therapy, the couples can walk the right road of life that heals their past and gives a new direction to the relationship.

Marriage therapists play a vital role in developing the right connection between couples. The professionals help them to determine their marital conflicts and form the right perception about each other. Also, they are trained professionals who know the thorough techniques to originate an environment of respect, trust as well as intimacy among the couples.

Usually, couples lack to provide sufficient keep to their partner in meeting life aspirations, but with a professional marriage therapist they learn the right ways to keep each other. The definite use of techniques helps the married couples to nourish their connection and graduate it to the stage of happiness.

When couples undergo marriage counseling they de facto come to know what all was interrupting the peace and happiness. However, it is needful for a join to show willingness and interest in therapy sessions as only then fruitful results would be obtained. Further, when couples understand the obstacles they work in a direction to remove these.

The changes would not come in a day or two, but it requires a lot of efforts to lead a new way of life. With constant efforts and willingness couples can take their connection to a new path of life.

There are reputable marriage therapists in America, any way it is imperative to find the best one as it is a very serious issue of life. With right investigate work you can reach to the right problem solver. When seeking a therapist in Cupertino Ca residents, for instance must select the local professionals who have feel to rely on.

I hope you get new knowledge about California Counseling. Where you may put to used in your evryday life. And most importantly, your reaction is California Counseling.Read more.. see Psychiatric medicine Options - Why You Need to Trust Your Therapist. View Related articles associated with California Counseling. I Roll below. I actually have recommended my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Psychiatric medicine Options - Why You Need to Trust Your Therapist.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Stalker Help - 10 Things A Stalker Will Not Want You To Know

#1. Stalker Help - 10 Things A Stalker Will Not Want You To Know

Stalker Help - 10 Things A Stalker Will Not Want You To Know

When you know you have a stalker in your life there are procedures you need to put in place. Number one is holding you safe. The following are guidelines for putting as much length between you and the stalker as possible.

Stalker Help - 10 Things A Stalker Will Not Want You To Know

1. If your stalker is an ex boyfriend or girlfriend then you will probably know who they are. Obviously they are not taking the break up of your connection as well as you would have liked. You have told them it is by all means; of course over and you are not interested in reconciliation so you cannot understand why they are still sending you flowers and texting you constantly. Tell your friends and family what is happening and see if they cannot get him to see reality. The only think I say this is because sometimes friends and members of your family may not understand why you broke up with your ex. They could have become friends with them (stalkers are charmers) and are at gift not able to see any validity in what you are telling them. In their eyes he may appear to be a someone who loves you and is trying to win you back. Unfortunately it will not be until the threats begin and these may be aimed at your family and friends also. Will they believe you and perceive a supreme stalker has fooled them.

2. Cut all ties with this someone and change your phone numbers and email address unless you can cope recording their messages so they can be used as evidence. In the past it was plan you should get new phone numbers but if you can cope with the constant calls the police may be able to take action before the stalking advances. Do not get sympathetic or fall for their threats to hurt themselves if you do not see them, as this will only encourage them. My stalker used to threaten to jump off a bridge if I did not see him. I believed his convincing story and the corollary was hours on the phone listening to him talk. They will do anyone to get your attention. What happened was I became completely exhausted and he plan I was a soft touch and stepped up his vicious game even more. I had no knowledge or information to show me what to do so I made a lot of mistakes in the early days of my stalking.

3. If they are still hanging around your life you need to ensure your home is a safe haven, change all the locks especially if your ex has keys to your home and I recommend you get locks on your windows as well. If you have an alarm theory make sure it is working well. In my stalking they managed to get in even with the alarms switched on and I had the Alarm firm to my house 3 times before they were able to frame out how the stalker was managing to disarm the system. Stalkers see everything as a challenge and nothing makes them feel more remarkable than being able to get into your home. Do not panic because it is commonly when you are not there. Someone else way to deter them as they often move by night so they cannot be seen is to light up your property. Though high-priced it will give you peace of mind.

4. Have a friend or member of your family stay with you. This will not please the stalker, as he wants you alone in the house so he can continue to make you feel vulnerable. These temporary houseguests can act as witnesses if the stalker comes to visit. There is security in numbers.

5. If you like animals now may be the time to get a dog. I had two poodles and they all the time let me know when somebody was outside the house. It made me feel a lot safer knowing they were with me. They are also great firm when you are going straight through something as horrible as this as they seem to understand how you are feeling.

6. If it is an ex partner stalking you the police may not be able to do much in the early stages. Keep giving them updates and any evidence you may have. Stalkers do tend to leave a trail of phone calls, text messages, emails and letters so do not in a fit of rage as I did burn some of them. Keep them in a safe place where they cannot be found (with your lawyer if you have engaged the services of one) because stalkers can become paranoid they may enter your home to take off any incriminating evidence. Keep phone numbers of agencies such as domestic violence shelters that you can go to if the stalker threatens violence. Each country will have its own versions and you can commonly find them online or in your community. Have an leave route planned if things get nasty.

7. Until ant-stalking laws were introduced in many states of America police had very tiny power to arrest these guys. Sadly the police could do nothing until a victim had been assaulted. Not until a high profile celebrity was murdered after being stalked for 2 years did the U.S Federal government take action. Up until this point restraining orders were issued and many stalkers chose to ignore them leaving their victim feeling helpless. This is why so many victims do not continue with any additional legal action because of the stalker's attitude to it. They fear there will be a reprisal if they contact the police again. Being stalked can be frightening but if you do nothing to help yourself the stalker will think they have won and things will only get worse. They have no compassion or empathy for their victim's plight so you have to help the police do their job. You may not be the stalkers first victim so please work with the police who will want this guy behind bars as much as you do.

The anti-stalking laws in place across many parts of America give police the power to payment perpetrators who repeatedly

a. corollary Someone else someone or are continually seen where they are.

b. contact a someone by telephone or text messaging.

c. Are seen at a victim's home address or place of work.

d. Enter a person's home and property.

e. Send mail to their post box and emails to their computer

f. Confront an individual in a communal or hidden place.

The more you can do such as collecting evidence and holding a diary of the stalker's movements the quicker the police may be able to payment them. Hard as this may sound you have to perceive that a stalker is relentless and often will not stop until they arrested. I urge you to dig deep and find the impel to fight back.

8. Get as much withhold as you can and all the time have someone with you when you go out at night. There are many organizations set up with people who have been stalked and they are there to let you talk and recommend you how to protect yourself. These people know how lonely and frightful the road can be so they give their time to help others. This kind of withhold is priceless, as these people are as relentless as a stalker in their bid to eradicate these monsters from victim's lives. You will find these people online and at your local community center in most countries. Once you talk to them you will know you have solid support. This will not please the stalker, as his game plan is to separate you totally.

9. If you are seeing it hard to cope i recommend you see a counselor. Even if it is just to talk about how you are feeling it will be a great help. I often visited a consultant during my stalking and just having someone to share my feelings with got me through. I am very thankful to the consultant I had for listening.

10. Your greatest weapon against these people is yourself. Stalkers play on your mind and work with methods to instill fear in you. I live in a country where there are still no stalking laws so over the last 15 years of my life I have learned a thing or two. At first I was very afraid and I did get hurt physically until I learned all the ways I could push them back. I went to the police and I have to say they did their best. You have to understand the brain of a stalker is wired differently and their obsessive nature makes them capable of anything. If you have a typical romantic stalker they will believe you are their soul mate and that in time you will perceive the both of you are destined to be together. You cannot negotiate with them so the best thing you can do is move on with your life. Do not let them stop you doing what makes you happy. It is fabulous how victims can find impel remarkable sufficient to stop these stalkers in their tracks. As these ant-social characters feed on fear the stronger you become the more likely they will leave or be forced too.

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Verbal Abuse in Marriage - 7 Realities About Verbal Emotional Abuse

--Marriage Therapy of Verbal Abuse in Marriage - 7 Realities About Verbal Emotional Abuse--

A cool way to improve Verbal Abuse in Marriage - 7 Realities About Verbal Emotional Abuse

I hear habitancy say, "My partner is controlling and he puts me down." Then they add, "It is abusive, but it's only verbal."

Verbal Abuse in Marriage - 7 Realities About Verbal Emotional Abuse

The inquire I have is, how do you feel about that? How does it make you feel when spoken to as he/she does? And how do feel about yourself in relation to your partner?

The impact and the import of the verbal abuse and controlling behavior, while being personal, will invariably be destructive.

Here are some hard-core facts that you will want to know about verbal abuse. So when you catch yourself saying, "'s only verbal," reconsider this...

1) Verbal emotional abuse is a disregard for self and other.

2) Verbal abuse leaves memory magnets of prolonged self and other loathing.

3) Verbal emotional abuse undermines the inherent for mutual respect and trust.

4) Verbal and emotional abuse go in one direction-they escalate over time when the incredible outcome of being abusive is not accomplished.

5) The article of the verbal abuse is not about you; rather it is more about the abuser.

6) Verbal and emotional abuse doesn't stop on its own without appropriate intervention.

7) The tendency toward domestic abuse can pass from one generation to the next.

If you are in a connection in which your partner belittles you, undermines you, manipulates you, puts you down, calls you names, smoothers your will, then take a hard and honest look at your relationship. Seek to understand the dynamics of emotional verbal abuse and how you can interrupt this vicious cycle. The sooner you do, the happier you'll be.

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Thorns in the Heart, Second Edition by Dr. Steven Stiles

California Counseling - Thorns in the Heart, Second Edition by Dr. Steven Stiles The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Thorns in the Heart, Second Edition by Dr. Steven Stiles. And the content associated with California Counseling.

Do you know about - Thorns in the Heart, Second Edition by Dr. Steven Stiles

California Counseling! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Guidelines for Christians Dealing with Pain and Addiction

What I said. It is not outcome that the real about California Counseling. You check out this article for facts about an individual wish to know is California Counseling.

How is Thorns in the Heart, Second Edition by Dr. Steven Stiles

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from California Counseling.

Steven Stiles is a graduate of American Baptist Seminary of the West (D.Min.). He is certified straight through the National connection of Alcohol and Drug Abuses Counselors. He is a pastor, a faculty member at Bethany University in Scotts Valley, California, and Western Seminary, in San Jose, California. He serves as clinical director at New Life community Services in Santa Cruz, California where he provides counseling in drug and alcohol treatment.

This is the second edition of "Thorns in the Heart." The book is divided into four parts: The question of Pain, Blocked flee Routes, Imprisoned by Pain, and Suggestions for chronic the Journey.

Actual case studies have been drawn on to justify how bodily and emotional pain increases the susceptibility to sin when we, as Christians, avoid dealing with pain. Dr. Stiles offers the reader guideline for a path of recovery.

These studies furnish obvious steps which will enable the reader to identify how to deal with the pain of:

Addiction promulgation and Pain, Emotional and bodily Pain, Depression and Co-Dependency.

I especially appreciated Dr. Stiles' argument on looking pain from God's perspective and how to cope with the areas of pain mentioned above. He helps the reader understand how to sass to pain while looking hope and purpose and transformation straight through pain.

At a time when my external and internal circumstances put me in the throes of unexpected emotional pain I have found the book meaningful and helpful. The case studies illustrating diversions and temporary relief from pain are especially interesting. I also gained insights from Stiles' argument of stress, depression, anxiety, and anger. Stiles' recommend alternative ways to deal with the together with emotions were also helpful.

"Thorns in the Heart," although offering some deep and profound insights is not intended to be a substitute for expert counseling in cases where the reader is unable or unwilling to apply and assimilate the guidelines provided in the book. Nor is it intended to be a textbook on pain and addiction. However Dr. Stile's writing and guidelines are worthy of being on resource and reading lists for counseling courses, for pastor and lay counseling training, for personal use, or as a argument guide for small group study.

Create Space, 978-1456585495

A complimentary recap copy of the book was provided by the author's representative in exchange for a fair and honest review. As Reviewed for Midwest Book Review.

I hope you get new knowledge about California Counseling. Where you can offer utilization in your day-to-day life. And most significantly, your reaction is California Counseling.Read more.. watch this video Thorns in the Heart, Second Edition by Dr. Steven Stiles. View Related articles related to California Counseling. I Roll below. I have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Thorns in the Heart, Second Edition by Dr. Steven Stiles.

Your Money Habits

#1. Your Money Habits

Your Money Habits

"I cannot say whether things will get best if we change; what I can say is they must turn if they are to get better." Georg C. Lichtenberg

Your Money Habits

Are your money habits getting in the way of your success with money? Often our money habits can be so buried in our subconscious that we are not even aware of how they interfere with our potential to handle our money successfully.

While our money habits are ordinarily established early in life by our family environment, they also evolve from the environment we live in today. Contemporary living makes money administration difficult. Most of us know that having a hold savings is leading for our financial well-being; but few of us do it on a quarterly basis.

Unfortunately, knowing best has not meant doing better. As recently as the 1980's savings were in the double digits -- population were saving at least 10% or more of their income. Today it is a negative digit - most of the population is not saving any money at all. Worse, many are using prestige cards and borrowing to spend more than they earn and are just hoping it will all work out somehow down the line.

For example a local concentrate who were emotionally attached to their company only knew how to run their company a safe bet way. In the early days their company was profitable and provided a lucrative income. However, when shop circumstances changed and their company started on a downward trend their ingrained habits prevented them from acting appropriately. Instead of changing their ways they decided to borrow money from the bank.

Over the years their company kept declining and their options for improving or selling their company diminished over time. Rather than turn their habits they found it easier to borrow money "hoping" their company would once again flourish. As you might have guessed their gamble did not pay off.

This story applies equally to those of us who earn a salary instead of running a business. If your money habits are overspending and not saving there will come a time when your debts will become impossible to manage. Even if you are not increasingly going into debt, without savings any unexpected large cost or loss of earnings can lead to financial problems.

What are your money habits? Are you a spender or a saver? Do you use cash or credit? Do you have a spending plan or wing it month to month? Do you vocalize a checkbook equilibrium or do you just check with the bank? When you feel down do you go for a walk or go shopping? Do you pay off your prestige card balances or only make minimum payments? Do you put money in a savings account or are you constantly putting money in and taking it out?

Habits are human nature. My husband and I had a good laugh recently over how he reacted to a minor disruption to his morning routine. When my husband's eyes became angry he went to see his optometrist. The optometrist prescribed eye drops that my husband needed to put in his eyes in the morning and wait at least a half hour before putting in this contacts. With a stunned look on his face my husband said to his optometrist, "If I don't put my contacts in the first thing in the morning it will upset my whole routine." The optometrist looked at my husband with a big grin, flashed opened his hands by the sides of his head and said, "Change!"

What a notion - turn - it seems so straightforward but is not so easy especially when you have been doing things a safe bet way for a long time. Fortunately, you do have choices. You can continue to do what your have always done and get the same results - or, you can "Change" for the better!! Of course, habits are easy and turn is difficult - many find that a financial advisor can help them overcome their negative money habits.

By Barbara Hause

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Help Save My Marriage - How Do I mend My Marriage on a Budget?

--Marriage Therapy of Help Save My Marriage - How Do I mend My Marriage on a Budget?--

top article Help Save My Marriage - How Do I mend My Marriage on a Budget?

Are you looking for a cost effective ways to help save marriage and stop potential divorce?

Help Save My Marriage - How Do I mend My Marriage on a Budget?

I pretty sure you do. So read on and find out.

You see, I had survived a marriage accident recently and I know exactly how you are feeling right now. The emotional roller coaster ride that you are having, the loss of not knowing what to do and wondering if your spouse are having a good time with other person or not.

And with the prices keep going up, it simply add more trouble to our problem.

Although, I have carefully going to marriage therapy but the price is way too high for me to bear. Despite my emotional challenge, I told myself that if I want to fix my marriage, I had great put in exertion to save it. In fact, I think myself quite fortunate because one of my closest friends came to know about my question and he went the extra mile to search online for a help save marriage book.

You see, I am pretty much skeptical about this type of eBook because I heard a lot of scam going on. After much persuasion from my friend, I finally bought it. I tried some methods taught within and found that it worked for me. I was delighted and keep on working on my marriage. Finally, my marriage is saved

So, if you are reasoning of how to fix marriage on a budget, look no further.

There are many marriage fix books that are online and are target to exact question that you might have. The one thing that surprises me is, most of the help save marriage ebooks that are online, offer email consultation. You can actually treat this as a marriage therapy and this will save you a lot money from it.

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Are Debt community clubs a Scam? The Shocking Truth Exposed

California Counseling - Are Debt community clubs a Scam? The Shocking Truth Exposed The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Are Debt community clubs a Scam? The Shocking Truth Exposed. And the content associated with California Counseling.

Do you know about - Are Debt community clubs a Scam? The Shocking Truth Exposed

California Counseling! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

This is one of my favourite all time question. For years the Canadian media has been picking up random information on debt community clubs from our American cousins. While there are tens of thousands of success stories, most of the published stories on debt community tend to be negative.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about California Counseling. You see this article for home elevators that wish to know is California Counseling.

How is Are Debt community clubs a Scam? The Shocking Truth Exposed

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from California Counseling.

There's an old saying about not believing all things that you read. I've learned first hand over the years that this is true. Here are a join of examples why:

At the start of 2009 a newspaper called The Toronto Star did a story on me and my company. It was featured on the front page of the company section and was in a clear light. The story generated some good exposure for Total Debt leisure Inc. And for debt community in general. However, some facts I presented to the reporter were taken out of context or maybe he select to stretch the truth a slight to make for a more enthralling read. For example, I mentioned that debt can get away from just about whatever and one of our clients was a old Olympian. The final story read that that personel was an Olympic Gold Medalist which wasn't true. Many reporters tend to be freelance so they are paid to sell a good story; so as a result, it seems stories can and do get hyped up sometimes.

A few months later a negative example appeared on the evening newscast. Ctv which is a major Canadian newscast put out a three slight televised story on their "Consumer Alert" segment by reporter and financial writer Pat Foran. He talked about how debt community was potentially a scam, and how Marissa Ruiz (the victim) was very disappointed and that consumers should be wary. The story was packaged and presented as Canadian issue, and made viewers believe that Canadians were getting scammed left, right and center. When I researched the names in the story further, it turned out Ruiz was California resident and used an American debt community company that had a horrible Bbb rating. The incident appeared to be that of one rotten apple in the Us debt community industry. Apparently the reporter borrowed the story from someone else press publish he found, and packaged it as his own. Why did Pat Foran forget to mention these facts in his broadcast?

The story then wrapped up and interestingly handed off to a company called "Credit Canada" which is a non-profit credit counselling division in Toronto. After I reviewed the broadcast and made some notes, I emailed Pat Foran and Ctv about their televised slam of debt community in Canada. I really corrected 7 very considerable points that were not factual. My email was virtually ignored. From a legal perspective there is no remedy ready because of free speech; the media seems very immune.

Needless to say, my feelings about the media are somewhat mixed now.

Bankruptcy trustee's and credit counsellors have all had their say about debt community and why they think it's a scam. Let's look at their arguments.

Trustee's tend to argue that all debt community fees are collected up front before any work is done and no form of debt relief is ever given to the consumer. That's not true; in fact community fees are collected monthly throughout a 36 month program. And most community clubs like ours offer a assistance certify that returns any money paid that a community was never finalized on. If the client has enrolled for a 36 month plan then the fees are taken monthly and most clients sense their first community by around month 5-8. So how is a debt community company getting paid in full up front? We really get paid as settlements are arranged.

A friend of mine is a trustee in Bankruptcy, and a really wonderful guy, what I learned from him is that close to 100% of citizen going through bankruptcy or a buyer proposal (a form of bankruptcy) are in some state of default with the trustee. What that means is, they haven't met a major term of the requirements to be discharged from the debt, and apparently a large part of those citizen never do.

Guess what else I learned? The trustee really gets paid before the debtor is ever discharged from what they owe. Isn't that a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black? The trustee is in fact a court appointed agent to the creditors, so even though you pay the trustee to get you debt free, he is really looking after the creditor's best interest first. Not yours.

Here's an enthralling fact about debt community and our company I shared with my trustee friend: 70-80% of the citizen that enrol will perfect the program. The look of shock and awe on his face was priceless when I told him that. He thought the completion rate of citizen seeking debt community would be significantly less then his plans.

Non-profit credit Counsellors are someone else all time favourite of mine; they are in bed with the banks, media, politicians and other non-profit companies.

My comprehension of credit counselling is that more then 60% of all citizen enrolled will drop out of their debt relief schedule before it's completed.

The first thing to understand is that "non-profit" does not mean free, every company needs to earn money to keep its doors open and pay take care of rent and payroll. All that really needs to happen to verbalize a non-profit status from the government is that the company needs to meet clear requirements and can't show a profit at the end of the year. That seems pretty simple and easy to do; all the principals of the company would need to do at the end of the year is bonus out any profits to themselves.

Credit counsellors have somehow managed to get a lot of positive, free and unexplained media exposure that debt community doesn't get because of their non-profit status.

The other day when a local politician appeared on the news to discuss new credit card legislation in Canada; somehow a spokeswoman from non-profit credit counselling, again credit Canada, was right there beside him. I wonder why I wasn't invited to speak as a devotee on the new credit card legislation. I mean the non-profit "specialist" who appeared wasn't even able to reason simple math in her head, let alone lead any real dialogue to the discussion.

On several provincial government websites that talk about debt relief options, they all seem to defer to non-profit credit counselling as the rejoinder to all debt problems. This politician and host on Tv did the same thing.

Some creditors will really tell a financially distressed debtor to go and use a non-profit credit counselling company if they are having money issues. Here's a big question. Why would a creditor only refer the debtor to non-profit credit counselling? You don't need to look very far for the answer; credit counselling is really a kinder and gentler range division for the banks.

This association between credit counselling and banks has been criticized for years. credit counsellors get more money back to the creditors over a longer duration of time, plus many get what's called a "fair share" payment from the banks. So your creditors are really paying the credit counsellors to regain the debt.

Don't let the "non-profit" banner fool you, credit counselling is working more for the creditors, then it is for you. Did you know that if you owed ,000 in credit card debt, it would probably cost you about ,000 in total over 5 years with credit counselling? With debt community your total cost would be around ,000 over 3 years

The Internet and media is a prime example of unregulated free speech, so it's easy for whatever to post opinions, spread rumours, tell lies, create controversy or even build entire Web sites devoted to whatever topic is desired, regularly without any consequence. Unfortunately, this means the Internet and media is a exquisite medium of negative "information" about countless number of companies, organizations, and individuals. Even respected, successful, high-profile clubs like Toyota, McDonald's and Wal-Mart are targets for negative communications.

Is the information factual? That's something you have to decide, but before you do, be sure you have all the facts and are clear about the accuracy and credibility of the source of any information found on the Internet and media.

It begs the question: Why are the other debt relief programs like bankruptcy and credit counselling feeling so threatened by the growth of the debt community industry? Are we really that much good of a debt relief option to their programs? I guess so.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

When Self-Confidence Turns Into a Liability

California Counseling - When Self-Confidence Turns Into a Liability The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination When Self-Confidence Turns Into a Liability. And the content associated with California Counseling.

Do you know about - When Self-Confidence Turns Into a Liability

California Counseling! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Self-confidence is defined by Northouse (2010) as one's capability to be convinced about his or her competencies and skills, together with a sense of self-esteem and self-assurance. Everyone would agree that self-confidence is an important trait for anything in a leadership position. The trick is to have the right estimate of self-confidence. Depending on the leader and the situation, self-confidence can range from very low to very high. A leader who is at either side of the spectrum is a liability for their organizations.

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How is When Self-Confidence Turns Into a Liability

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When a leader is at the low end of the spectrum, their self-confidence can come from either low self-esteem or lack of contact at the job. If it comes from a lack of experience, the leader needs only to reply this and accept wise counsel from the right people. However, when low self-confidence comes from low self-esteem, the leader is in hazardous water. Low self-esteem will cause a leader to demonstrate either a lack of reliance or overconfidence. In either case, the leader becomes a liability.

Leaders with low self-esteem:

Unable to make the right decisions for the organization. Preoccupied with being "found out" by others. They feel threatened by anything who seems to know more than them, therefore, failing to be open to others ideas and recommendations. Indecisive, causing delays throughout the organization. They either take too much time to make a decision or too oftentimes convert their mind. Unable to take possession of mistakes. Try to please everyone. Not focused on their strengths and how they can lead to the organization, resulting in personal ineffectiveness.

In one example, a leader without much reliance in his capabilities was enduringly worried about being outperformed by subordinates. Therefore, every time a subordinate presented an idea in which the leader felt threatened, he would furnish excuses or reasons why that singular member should not continue on with the idea. This happened repeatedly, and the impact was that the assosication was doomed to mediocrity. Employees became less engaged and stopped producing ideas, and productivity decreased. Eventually, the leader's agency became dispensable and was cut when the enterprise reorganized.

At the high end of the spectrum, overconfident leaders are viewed as arrogant or hubristic.

Leaders with hubris:

Think so very of themselves that they come to be narrow-minded. They don't look at the big picture, but come to be consumed with their own biases, and do not make the right decisions for the organization. Create a "yes-man" culture. Population around this type of leader only say what they think the leader wants to hear, not what needs to be said. Inhibit creativity and initiative because of the lack of openness to new ideas that did not originate with him or her. Cannot accomplish at their best since they think they do not need to improve. The reality is that no matter where you are in your career, in order to stay the best, you have to enduringly work on improving your technical and leadership skills.

Consider one over-confident vice president of a Fortune 500 enterprise who decided he could sell a new goods to a previous buyer by overselling. He believed that his employees would just have to keep up with him. After all, he became a vice president by overselling himself for years. He did not consult with any experts on this decision and never understood the dimensions of a reasonable time frame or the feasibility to originate the goods he was promising the client. He did win the contract, but failed miserably at delivery of the goods and lost a buyer that had done enterprise with the assosication for years. Additionally, top talent in the enterprise suffered from burnout, working too many hours to originate the impossible. Leaders must be meticulous not to stretch their employees to such an greatest that they have been set up to fail.

Regardless of which end of the spectrum you fall as a leader, you are a liability to your organization. Through the behaviors mentioned above, leaders at either end of the spectrum lead to decreased productivity and worker engagement. After time, this results in failed projects, loss of customers and, most importantly, loss of top talent in the organization. Claiming that these types of leaders cost their organizations millions of dollars is no exaggeration. So, here are some tips that can help you avoid being a liability to your company.

Accept that you are not perfect. Surround yourself with Population who compliment you, individuals whose strengths are in the areas you are weak on. Focus on your strengths! Maximize them while working on the areas you need to improve for the job you are in and the one you aspire to be. Every job needs distinct skills. Surround yourself with Population who are not afraid to give you honest feedback. Be an open-minded leader. Listen to what those around you have to say, even when their ideas are great than yours. Take calculated risks. Understand that failure is part of success. If you fail, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, learn from it and move on. Continue to grease your wheels, otherwise you will get rusty. Personal and professional improvement should never stop!


Northouse, P.G. (2010). Leadership ideas and Practice. California: Sage Publications.

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Does Your reputation Score affect Your Car guarnatee Rates?

California Counseling - Does Your reputation Score affect Your Car guarnatee Rates? The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination Does Your reputation Score affect Your Car guarnatee Rates?. And the content related to California Counseling.

Do you know about - Does Your reputation Score affect Your Car guarnatee Rates?

California Counseling! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

If you've ever debated either your prestige score impacts your insurance score, you might be surprised to know there's a direct correlation in the middle of the two. In the 1990s, Fair Isaac performed an experiment with a estimate of automobile insurers to see if prestige scores could be a trustworthy indicator of a homeowner's and car insurance claims loss. Once they gathered all their facts and analyzed it, they discovered some correlations when comparing insurance claims and prestige history.

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How is Does Your reputation Score affect Your Car guarnatee Rates?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from California Counseling.

Nobody has figured out actually what the direct correlation is or why a person's prestige score affects their claim history. It is been publicized about how insurance corporations will rate a person's risk for a claim by finding at their prestige history. Although this ideas appears to make sense, a study done in 2000 recommend the correlation with being responsible with personel finance and hereafter claim actions to be unsupported. It stated that a lot more research had to be performed before conclusive evidence could be gathered.

To date, there are only three states that have prohibited the use of prestige scoring for the pricing of insurance premiums. The states are California, Hawaii, and Massachusetts. The state of Maryland has disallowed the use of prestige scores for rating homeowner policies.

Today, you'll find many insurance corporations are trying hard to make sure no other states join in the ban. Some insurance companies have had success in trying to get a law that offers restricted safety for consumers passed in 22 states. Essentially, this law prevents delinquent medical records from affecting your insurance prestige score. However, the remaining facts on your prestige file can still influence your insurance rates.

If you are in the unfortunate situation of living inside a state that won't ban prestige scoring for calculating your insurance premiums, you can be sure that your prestige background plays a specific element in the calculation of your insurance premiums. Most insurance companies aren't obligated to quote your insurance prestige score, but many will advise you they do think your prestige history when calculating your premiums.

Insurance companies will extract your prestige history from two original prestige reporting companies. These are the Fair Isaac and Choicepoint. Fair Isaac has been in existence the longest, while Choicepoint is a newer company.

Most insurance companies have their own custom technique of analyzing your prestige score utilizing their actuarial staffs to sort straight through the prestige facts they fetch from the prestige reporting agencies with their own claims facts to suspect your insurance premiums. insurance regulators are updated with these scoring models. The scoring model retrieves bits of your prestige info and uses them in calculating your insurance premium. Factors such as your cost background, prestige balances, prestige limits, how often you shop for credit, and also the types of loans you have all play a major role in figuring out your insurance rates.

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Benefits Of Psychotherapy

--Marriage Therapy of Benefits Of Psychotherapy--

directory Benefits Of Psychotherapy

First advanced as psychoanalytic and now known as Psychotherapy. This therapy course are performed generally by psychotherapists, which aims to precise and aid the patients personal problems. Such problems are social problems, depression, anxiety, stress, environmental problems and other thinking disorders. It also helps heighten or build a strong foundation of association within the patients family or friends. All of which are done by a trained psychotherapist professional.

Benefits Of Psychotherapy

This kind of psychiatric advent are used in response to a wide range of definite and non-specific manifestations of medically diagnosable or existential condition problems. Rehabilitation are most likely referred to as counseling. Thus form the word "psychotherapy", changing from former known word psychoanalytic.

If an individual is all the time hot tempered and nothing else but get angry, a psychotherapy can help control that inner attitude to prevent aggressive behavior. Psychotherapy can increase any person's sense of their own well-being, thus enhancing their speech and actions into a more positive way.

Psychotherapy has many types of systems. This includes cognitive behavioral, psycho dynamic, humanistic and existential therapy, brief and systematic therapy, trans personal counseling, body psychotherapy, and behavior analysis.

Psychotherapists used separate techniques to help its patients. Such techniques are experiential association building, dialogue, communication and behavior change, group seminars and many more. These techniques are proven effective in enhancing one's thinking health, grow their social life and accept their role in the family.

Psychotherapy can be performed by any individual who are in the field of psychiatry, clinical psychology, thinking and psychology counseling, psychiatric social work, marriage and family therapy, resumption counseling, occupational therapy, psychiatric nursing and many others. These qualifications are regulated depending on the jurisdiction of experience, hospital or the local government.

Most psychotherapy sessions use spoken conversation and others use many forms of communication such as written word, artwork, drama, article story or music. Parent and child therapy involves play, dramatization, artwork and story telling.

Practitioners of this kind of therapy has thought about themselves as humanistic therapists, which means that their practices do not bind to treat their patients symptoms based illnesses. Instead, they present themselves as the facilitative or the role of a helper, which helps the patients control their inner fear and heighten over all well being. Conversations of sensitive topics are discussed conspiratorially during psychotherapy sessions. This is one of ethical practices to accomplish the client's condition problems, whether mental, emotional and physical.

There are hundreds of psycho therapeutic approaches available today. Developments of new and hybrid approaches continues straight through a wide collection of theoretical backgrounds. If you like to be a part of any psychotherapy practices based on your condition needs, then you can consult to your nearest condition town for psychiatric counseling and advise. It will help you heighten your over all well being and heighten your personality and social life.

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Schools of Naturopathy

California Counseling - Schools of Naturopathy The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Schools of Naturopathy. And the content associated with California Counseling.

Do you know about - Schools of Naturopathy

California Counseling! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

These are enchanting times as alternative medicine like naturopathy is growing in public demand. As you may be aware, students may not have to determine for a certificate in natural healing, when they can perform their doctor of naturopathic medicine degree straight through a estimate of schools of naturopathy.

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How is Schools of Naturopathy

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from California Counseling.

In increasing to offering holistic workshops and seminars in Qi gong, Tai Chi, and other holistic lasting instruction courses, schools of naturopathy are celebrated for their in-depth training in the curative arts. Among normal studies included in naturopathic medicine programs are curative principles, naturopathic history, scope of practice, and more.

Before applying to any one of the schools of naturopathy, it is leading to retell procedure prerequisites. In most cases, you will need a predetermined estimate of instruction from an accredited school or university prior to enrollment. Also, it is all the time a good idea to eye vocation opportunities in the field, and State regulations/requirements with respect to the practice.

Once you've carefully examined the field and you're ready to take the scholastic challenge at one of the schools of naturopathy in your area, it's time to retell the school's curriculum. Like most healthcare programs, instruction and training at schools of naturopathy take about four to five years to complete.

After you've met all prerequisite requirements, and have enrolled at one of the schools of naturopathy, you will be introduced to a careful curriculum. In the first and second years, you will learn about anatomy, bodywork techniques, physiology, pathology, biochemistry, classical Chinese medicine, Qi gong, and herbal medicine, among other studies.

Years three and four at schools of naturopathy are much more comprehensive, and generally involve in-depth clinical training in internal medicine, microbiology, pharmacology, advanced plant medicine, integrative medicine therapies, homeopathy, counseling techniques, hydrotherapy, and more.

Upon flourishing completion of instruction and training at one of the many schools of naturopathy in the United States and Canada, practitioners can earn full licensure to practice in 20 jurisdictions including Alaska, Arizona, California, the District of Columbia, British Columbia, Ontario, and Manitoba, among other regions. Bare in mind, however, that the States of South Carolina and Tennessee prohibit the practice altogether.

If you (or man you know) are concerned in studying more about these or other natural health programs, let expert training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, naturopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! eye schools of naturopathy [] near you.

Schools of Naturopathy
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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Setbacks When Leaving - 4 Strategies to Give Yourself a Break coming Out of a Toxic relationship

#1. Setbacks When Leaving - 4 Strategies to Give Yourself a Break coming Out of a Toxic relationship

Setbacks When Leaving - 4 Strategies to Give Yourself a Break coming Out of a Toxic relationship

Relationships are difficult, and often those that have an element of emotional abuse are very arresting to be in as well as to leave. Our partner or previous partner may tell us what we want to hear, tell us that we are crazy and have the problem, minimize their hurtful and destructive actions, and otherwise cause us to second guess ourselves. Feelings of loneliness after a divorce, or any breakup, is normal. Being drawn back into a relationship, even a toxic one, is not uncommon. Here are 4 strategies to use to cut yourself some slack and come to greater peace and acceptance about the decision to leave the toxic relationship:

Setbacks When Leaving - 4 Strategies to Give Yourself a Break coming Out of a Toxic relationship

1. Accept that there were some good times. However, you left for a reason. Make a list of all the pros and cons of the relationship. Post it somewhere so that every time you are tempted to call or try to reconcile with your ex, you are reminded why you said goodbye in the first place. Being free of an emotionally abusive or toxic relationship is freeing and comprehensive may be the best decision - but it does not mean you won't miss things about it.

2. Spend as much time nearby your reserve network - friends, family, consultant - as possible. These population love you, reserve you, and can help fill some of the time that is now vacant since you no longer spend it with your ex. Your reserve network will also help to reinforce your decision, particularly if they were seek to poor rehabilitation you received. This is considerable recovery time and a good opportunity to reestablish and reconnect with relationships you may have neglected while being consumed with maintaining the toxic relationship.

3. Date if you like, but remember that it is foremost that you do the work on you before jumping in headfirst with man else. Chances are there are some basal issues you need to work on, perhaps with a consultant or therapist, to decree why you were attracted to and stayed in this relationship in the first place. Once you feel you have a acceptable comprehension of your part in the dynamic of your toxic relationship, and feel ready, start meeting population and enjoying the company of others in a dating format.

4. If you do "slip up" and go back to the toxic relationship, or have a reconnection with your ex, don't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes leaving is a process that takes a few tries. What is foremost is that you seek to take care of yourself and honor yourself throughout. Everyone makes mistakes. What makes the dissimilarity is how we react to them.

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Signs of the Times - A Biblical Point of View

#1. Signs of the Times - A Biblical Point of View

Signs of the Times - A Biblical Point of View

No civilization in the history of the world has ever survived the vices of blasphemy, perversion, anarchy. If our country were to do so it would break the precedent of history and become the first. But that will not happen. With God, justice delayed does not mean justice denied. In His dealing with the human race as King over the whole creation, God has warned time and time again about the consequences of mocking Him and His Word, of ignoring the natural and biblically prescribed order of morality, and of growing indifferent and resistant toward God's patriarchal theory of authority.  

Signs of the Times - A Biblical Point of View

Gibbon and others who have extensively written on the history of the Roman Empire have noted time and time again that Rome did not fall because of pressures from without. The Roman Empire collapsed into its own hole when the foundation rotted out from under it because of perverted moral behavior, indifference toward God, and dire social disorders. It is endemic to the citizens of every country and civilization that they think they are immune to the diseases of history. "After all, we are Americans, we are a nation founded upon a reliance in God, and it will not happen to us as it has happened to others." The whole precept that this is a Christian nation founded upon Christian theory is misguided but this small narrative is not about development that argument. Whatever we may have been in the past, the needful point is what we are now. In institutions of social learning, in the halls of government, in the entertainment industry, and so-called documentaries on television God, the Bible, the literality of Creation, and the historicity of Adam are under open, contemptuous, sneering, and all-out attack. In sitcoms on Tv, in social education down to the kindergarten level, in the courts of the land, in the halls of Congress, and in the White House the right of citizens of this country to deny and defy the biblical prohibition against lesbianism and homosexuality is being militantly promoted. 

Professors in colleges, activist groups throughout the land, and the media have joined their voices and shouting down the rightful authority of husbands, fathers, law enforcement, civic officials, and even to the top level of the president. The terrifying malaise of blasphemy, perversion, and anarchy is not a passive thing that has slowly crept upon this. It is part and parcel of the war between good and evil; light and dark; the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. My gift of prophecy does not enlarge to predicting times and dates in the future. But it does permit me to say that if time goes on this trend will not be permitted to continue indefinitely. These social diseases invoke both the subjective and objective judgments of God. With respect to subjective judgment, it is sowing and reaping. These trends in community inevitably mean not only the death of the family, the structure of business, and social order; but mental, moral, spiritual, and corporeal decline and decay. Unless there is a national conversion and the situation turns colse to (and there is no indication of that happening in the history of unregenerate societies or in the Bible concerning those who do not know God) this nation will soon go the way of history.

 As a pastor, a writer, a commentator, and a consultant of nearly half a century my great concerned is not for what is happening to this country because it is certain if one takes his blinders off and reads the Bible as it is written. In the last days evil men and seducers will get worse and worse deceiving and being deceived. Doom is written over the face of not only America but this whole creation made for Adam and it is only a matter of time until it is thrown in the fires of God's judgment and destroyed. Any Bible believing Christian who questions that should read, and read carefully, the third lesson of St. Peter's second letter to the church. What concerns me is the carnality and humanism in Christendom today and the way the outward church has hitched itself to the fate of secular society. 

The myth that it is somehow the duty of the Church to reform community and get unregenerate men "Back to God" is a heretical development that is taking many of the habitancy of God down with secular community insofar as there ambitions, possessions, and life's work is concerned. It is time, and far past time as the 13 lesson of Romans notes, for the habitancy of God to come out from among them, to wash their hands of the unclean things of this world (Ii Cor. 5), and get their minds and goals and live back over into the Kingdom of God (which is in this world but not of it) where they belong. It is time, as St. James has boldly stated, to cleanse our hands, purify our hearts, to take an attitude of contrition toward the carnality into which we have been led by religious humanism, and to draw near to God. There may not be much time left for this searching Christian to do that; and the Day of Judgment will demonstrate to the church of all ages the folly of those who fail.  

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Coping As the Parent of a Child With Adhd

#1. Coping As the Parent of a Child With Adhd

Coping As the Parent of a Child With Adhd

Being the parent of a child with Adhd, also known as attentiveness Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, can be an emotionally and physically demanding job. Children diagnosed with this behavioral disorder often have problems focusing, concentrating, and can be very hyperactive which can leave parents feeling exhausted by the end of the day. It can also be very difficult to find the help and reserve that mothers and fathers need not only to help their kids, but also to make sure they themselves are taken care of.

Coping As the Parent of a Child With Adhd

If you are a parent with a child that has the condition, here are some things you can do to cope:

1. Research, Research, Research!: The more you learn about the condition, the separate treatments available, and how it affects your family, the good you will be ready for dealing with difficult situations and comprehension what is happening. When you know all things there is to know about Adhd, you can make good decisions on what is best for you and your child. Speak with your pediatrician, therapist, and others to learn the best resources for studying as much as you can.

2. Get a Routine: Children who are hyperactive and have problems with inattentiveness have shown to do the best in a structured environment that includes a quarterly routine. While it's impossible to stick to a agenda rigidly every single minuscule of every day, having the basics of a morning, afternoon, and bedtime routine can be a great help.

3. Find Support: It is easy to feel as if no one understands you or what you are going through in raising your child. Many population do not believe that Adhd is real, which can further add to your frustrations. Fortunately, there are many places you can join together with other parents. Chadd, a non behalf center for those with attentiveness deficit disorder offers many local lesson meetings where you can attend seminars and join together with other parents.

4. Take Breaks: Your own health and happiness are very important, so taking much needed breaks away from the children can be of great help and make you be able to deal with problems or concerns calmly and more effectively. At the very minimum, you should take at least a few hours each week to yourself doing something you enjoy and find relaxing to help you recharge.

5. Work With a Counselor: While your child may be undergoing counseling, it is just as prominent that you too have someone to talk with. They can help you work through any feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction as well as help you learn new parenting strategies that make it easier for you to deal with behavior and discipline problems.

It's not easy being a parent, but when you do these five straightforward things listed above, you'll find that it is much easier and that you and your family will be much happier in the long run.

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Quaker Wedding Customs

California Counseling License - Quaker Wedding Customs The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Quaker Wedding Customs. And the content associated with California Counseling License.

Do you know about - Quaker Wedding Customs

California Counseling License! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

For those who think that contemporary weddings have come to be too much about the spectacle and not adequate about the meaning of marriage, you maybe pleased to learn that it is not all the time the case. The Quakers, members of the Religious society of Friends, have a very distinct tradition when it comes to weddings. If you have never attended a Quaker wedding, this is what you can expect...

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How is Quaker Wedding Customs

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from California Counseling License.

One of the main ideas of the Quaker religion is simplicity. Right off the bat, you can see why this would place them at odds with the extravaganzas that many couples find significant to celebrate their union. The point of a marriage between two friends is the religious and spiritual, not the legal implications of becoming husband and wife. In fact, in a Quaker ceremony, there is no officiant, because it is believed that only God can marry a man and a woman (or two men or two women, for that matter; some same-sex couples have Quaker marriage ceremonies).

The first step when a Quaker consolidate decides to be married is that they enunciate their intentions to their Meeting. They will then meet with a committee that will help to rule that they are of course ready to be married, and may also aid them with development the arrangements. This is in a way similar to the pre-nuptial counseling required of Catholics, and is of course something that all couples could advantage from.

A Quaker marriage ceremony is very, very distinct than most American weddings. There is no fanfare, and in fact, the ceremony is similar to a regular Meeting of the Friends. One of the things that will seem very unfamiliar to a non-Quaker guest is the number of silence that is part of the Meeting. The bride and groom will sit at the front of the Meeting house until they feel moved to stand and change their promises to one another. The distance of the silent period can be as long as one hour, which is intended to be a time for quiet reflection and prayer. This is quite typical for a Quaker service, but might be very awkward for anything used to the music, readings, and rituals that are part of most other religious ceremonies.

Following the change of "promises" or "declarations" (the Quakers do not call them "vows"), the bride and groom will sign the Quaker Wedding Certificate, which is one of the most important parts of the ceremony. The Wedding Certificate is regularly very beautifully made, with calligraphy and explain illustrations. At the end of the Meeting, all of the assembled guests will sign the Certificate, and the newlyweds will hang it in their home as a reminder of the declarations that they made. In California and Pennsylvania, the Quaker Wedding Certificate has been considered to be an approved substitute for a state-issued marriage license, but in most places the lawful document is also required for the marriage to be legal.

Following the wedding, there is generally some sort of reception, sometimes with music and alcohol, but not all the time (most Quakers are teetotalers). It is curious to note that although still known for their beautiful simplicity, some Quaker couples are including some elements of the approved American wedding in their marriage ceremony. Though it is not part of the Quaker tradition, some brides today are choosing to wear a white dress and wedding jewelry, and to walk down the aisle to meet her groom. In addition, some Quaker brides and grooms now change wedding bands, although a piece of jewelry was not part of the Quaker assistance in the past.

Even with the increasing of some of the mainstream American wedding customs, Quaker weddings are still singular for their simplicity and their silence. It is a beautiful tradition that is intended to highlight what is truly significant about a marriage, rather than allowing the emphasis to shift to the external trappings of a wedding.

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Rising Legal Costs - A clarification

#1. Rising Legal Costs - A clarification

Rising Legal Costs - A clarification

1.0 Background

Rising Legal Costs - A clarification

Globalization has brought grand changes in the global company arena and the Bpos and later Lpos are the direct offshoot of it. Lpos have come into being in India and elsewhere in the world primarily to cater to the clients of Us and other advanced nations as far as the legal processes are involved to not only furnish ability service but also to reduce the legal costs. In the past decade or so, a good number of Lpos have opened their businesses in India and in the light of rising legal costs and in order to find a workable solution to it we need to recognize the issue in detail.

1.1 A Few Illustrations

Cisco's Systems Inc., is a company that sells networking products, routing and switching systems. The company has a total legal spending that amounts to a little over one-third of 1% of company revenue, with non-litigation expenses running at about 0.16%. Measured in terms of dollars, Cisco's 170-member lawyer branch spends million internally and million a year on face counsel. The .8 billion company has 51,000 employees spanning over 80 countries. (Leslie A. Gordon in Gc California Magazine Published in their website Microsoft managed to reduce its legal costs for the last fiscal year but still the company is involved in lot more litigation matters in Europe (Todd Bishop in P-I reporter). It would be an intelligent scenario to secure the info pertaining to each Us Company's every year spending on the legal costs. It will truly not please those who conduct the companies, not in the least the shareholders.

2.0 Existing Arrangements

There are certain existing arrangements in place to deal with the issue of legal costs. The arrangements comprise in-house counsel branch for every company. The in-house counsel takes care of all the legal matters pertaining to the company he works for and he also depends on face counsels for the same. It would be suitable if we understand the roles played by the in-house counsels and face counsels vis-à-vis the legal costs.

2.1 In-house Counsels

The American Bar relationship advanced a model rule on foreign legal consultants (Flcs) in 1993. Flcs offer legal advice on international law and the law of the countries in which they are qualified to institution if they meet certain requirements. American Bar relationship recently endorsed recommendations of its Commission based on Multijurisdictional institution ("Mjp Commission") including revisions to the Aba Model Rules of professional conduct ("Model Rules") regarding unauthorized practice, jurisdiction to discipline out-of-state lawyers, and option of law rules governing multistate representation. These revisions are currently being examined and awaiting for the implementation. U.S.lawyers, seeking to growth their opportunities to offer their services overseas for liberalization of admission requirements under the general business transaction on Trade in Services (Gats) including both inbound and outbound of trade of U.S In August 2006, the Committee on professional and Judicial Ethics of the relationship of the Bar of the City of New York ("the Committee") which published a Formal notion stating attorneys could ethically ageement out legal preserve services abroad.

American conference construct (Aci) announced to hold an Lpo Summit at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York on January 16 and17, 2008 to construct global legal preserve strategies, recognize negotiating outsourcing contracts, and to optimize ongoing relationship

2.2 Problems and Challenges

Both the risks and exposures an in-house counsel faces are pronouncedly greater in comparison with the other lawyers as the in-house counsels are concurrently encumbered with the task of providing primary legal advice while ensuring yielding to the law. In-house counsels face this daunting task in a scenario where the activities of the company are inherently interconnected with the legal tasks at hand. To top it all, in-house attorneys were confronted with a myriad of potential exposures. These legal tangles comprise 7 of Sox; backdating stock options; new Rules of Federal Civil Procedures regarding electronically stored information; the McNulty Memorandum; Federal Rules of Evidence 502; liability to face third parties; investigating boardroom leaks; and multi-jurisdictional institution and licensing.

2.3 face Counsels

Similarly, in-house lawyers are increasingly request the law firms on hire to submit estimated budgets so they can trim down the costs of legal work especially when defending themselves against lawsuits. Companies have long asked for budgets from their lawyers for company transactions and for more conventional types of legal work. But with pressure mounting on them to report higher earnings, the in-house lawyers must now monitor their legal expenditures and they want their face counsel to result the suit as well.

The "2007 Acc/Serengeti managing face counsel recognize report" ( shows an mean growth of 5.3% in the billing rates by face counsel while the duration from 2002 to 2007.

Billing issues have always been a war zone between the in-house and face counsels. The beloved "hourly billing" formula comes with its own disadvantages. It often impacts legal costs negatively as it lays more emphasis on the delivery of the work rather than on the qualitative aspect which can at last have an adverse result on client relationship.

2.4 Some Key Challenges

The Legal service Act 2007 of Uk, permits legal out sourcing, is a boon t. Indian law graduates who can truly cope with England Legal work. The Wto in July 1998 noted a combined net trade balance for the U.S. And the U.K., the two largest exporters of legal services.

With connect lawyers in the Us carrying a price tag of 5 per hour in their first year and 0 an hour in their eighth year. It was only a matter of time before law firms sought to outsource some of their countries like India, where the lawyers need to pay a price of 10 to 15% of that of Us lawyers and a turnaround time of 24 hours for outsourced work. Legal Services Off shoring (Lso) which is an in-house legal departments or organizations offshore legal work from areas where it is precious to achieve in United States or Europe is decreasing rapidly and on the other end in Indian services on high demand.

Criminal defense specialist and old Assistant United States Attorney Jay Ethington assure that "There is no distinction between Indian and American advocates. The ability of work is the same".

Outsourcing legal work to India is useful to western countries due to

3.0 What ails legal costs?

Despite taking all kinds of measures the ailment of over-expenditure continues in a company. Corporate entities, in-house counsels
and face counsels, all seem to be caught in an escalating web of legal budget.

Budgets are the chief pointers to know whether in-house and face counsels are thrashing out strategic issues and operation levels in a fruitful manner before litigation starts. They also act as parameters against which advance of the team and the expenses while handling involved legal questions and issues faced by it can be gauzed.

In a study conducted by Inside Counsel in its 17th every year recognize of general Counsel (Published in the July 2006 issue of InsideCounsel), some 407 in-house counsels and 131 law firms felt that most of the disagreement between law firms and their in-house counsels can be attributed to the costs. Undeniably, when it comes to fiscal matters, the perceptions of the two groups could hardly be more divergent. 52% of in-house counsels identified 'reduction of costs' as the most primary thing law firms could do to construct their rapport with in-house counsel.

3.1 An intelligent study

A study carried out by Acca (now renamed Acc) has shown that despite taking measures, cost controls are failing to cut farranging legal spending. The Acc recognize shows that in-house counsel relies heavily on face counsel in key areas such as litigation (69%), intellectual asset (45%) and employment (45%). And as salaries for junior law firm associates continue to spiral upward, along with hourly billing rates for associates and partners alike, general counsel must conduct with addition legal fees.

The Way Out!

The only viable and durable solution on the horizon appears to be legal outsourcing which is more useful to the Us and other western Companies not only in the short run but also over a duration of time.

4.0 A Few Issues!

Certain issues came up after the legal process outsourcing has begun in India and elsewhere in the world. certain myths are also doing the rounds and it would be a mistake to attribute them to unbiased minds alone. In the light of newer issues let's recognize them as objectively as we can.

4.1 Outsourcing to India affects Us employment

here is no valid data to prove that legal outsourcing to India will sway the employment in the Us. Agreeing to a study by Forrester Research, the current every year value of legal outsourcing to India is at about Us million, but this can rise to Us billion, and would furnish 79,000 jobs by 2015. This makes the present job absorption in this sphere-which is a mere 12,000-appear little ( A study conducted earlier this year by Robert Half Legal ( points that more stress is put on legal expertise in areas of compliance, regulatory issues, litigation, intellectual asset and real estate. This increased question will considerably outpace the rate of the entire legal outsourcing market.

These are mere forecasts. Even if such forecasts are completely believed, the number of legal work that is off-shored will still remain 2% of that projected total and that too a major chunk of that constitute low-end work. Moreover it is widely reported that the citizen of the Us is aging. At current productivity levels, it will need 5 percent or to put it simply, 15.6 million more workers by 2015 to profess both its current ratio of workers to the total citizen and to preserve its present living standards. By 2015, despite current fears about job losses as a result of off-shoring, the Us economy will truly need more workers. Off-shoring is truly one way to meet that need. So all those doubting Johns who hold a pessimistic view on outsourcing legal services will be better off remembering that even after a grand number of work is outsourced from the Us there is no threat to its economy.

4.2 Competence of Indian lawyers

The competence of the Indian lawyers can be judged not from the fact that quite a number of advocates are being produced annually but from the fact that they are the pillars, strong pillars at that, for the weighty judicial system prevailing in India matched only by the Us in its magnitude and dimensions. There is not a particular legislation in the Us that is not made in India barring a few that is not subject to intricate and in-depth interpretations by the lawyers and the judges. Many landmark judgments in India were and are potential due to the presence of the highly agile and competent lawyer force. The ease with which they can tackle any legal issue pertaining to any country where base law is prevailing is predictable and natural. The fact that the Bpos in India which are a runaway success are gradually paving way for the Lpos or at least Lpos are increasingly occupying the centre-stage in the outsourcing company in India with growing number of clients from the Us and other countries speaks volumes about the ability and competence of the Indian lawyers.

4.3 ability output

Apart from frugal costs another important factor for the Us or other western country to outsource their legal work is the ability output they are assured of in India. It is an admitted fact that in most cases ability takes precedence over many other factors like cost-effective services, abundant workforce etc.

4.4 safety and Confidentiality

Nowhere else does the issue of safety and confidentiality come up so enduringly as in the field of law. And, when it comes to the Lpos the task of providing ability services to their global clientele should be matched by stringent safety and secretly measures in order to earn their trust and goodwill. There are of course competent and professionally run Lpos in India that bind to the safety and confidentiality norms.

5.0 Separating the wheat from the chaff!

There are a good number of Lpos in India now and a report says 1800 lawyers are presently engaged in various Lpos catering to the global clientele providing ability services. It becomes quite a task to select the best from among them. However, with stringent objective criteria the task becomes easier and then it will not be a Herculean task to adopt the best Lpo to whom any legal service can be entrusted in confidence. The parameters can be-

Quality output
Security and confidentiality
Easy accessibility
Hassle-free and client-friendly billing

Its website ( can be scanned for added details.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Facts About Promissory Notes and the Law

#1. Facts About Promissory Notes and the Law

Facts About Promissory Notes and the Law

When you borrow an whole of money and pledge to pay it back then you have created an oral and binding legal obligation. In most cases it is formalized in writing spelling out in information the terms of payment. Such a legal document is ordinarily known and referred to as a "Promissory Note" and is the branch of this article.

Facts About Promissory Notes and the Law

A promissory note is Not the same as say a personal and informal Iou. An informal Iou acknowledges that a debt does exist, but specific refund details usually are not included. Banks and financial lending institutions oftentimes need the borrower(s) to determined read and duly date and sign a detailed promissory note prior to a loan even being processed. The borrower(s) are also instructed to hold onto the note until the loan whole becomes due and payable. This is because it contains valuable information relating to the interest rates together with the whole of the valuable which has to be repaid.

The formalization of a properly worded and duly dated and signed promissory note is in most cases enough enough to stand-up in any litigation brought against a borrower. However, the law does permit a few exceptions as a rule.

For example:

If a borrower can prove that he or she signed the Promissory Note while under ultimate duress (in other words while under undue pressure from the lender) then a court appointed judge can rule the note legally unenforceable. The borrower(s) should determined read and Only sign a completed promissory note, not naturally place his or her signature at the lowest of a blank document.

Side point: A promissory note should not spell out conditions which would be construed as fraudulent and illegal in an additional one county or state. Such as an very high rate of interest or accurate penalties not mentioned or detailed in the document itself.

The law requires safe bet legal requirements in the making ready of a promissory note. For example: The lack of ambiguity and competency to execute the Promissory Note are all required by law.

Here are the main points of consideration:

1. accurate identification of all Parties.

2. The exact whole owed and the rate of interest.

3. Date and schedule of payments.

4. The right to legally change the note and compulsion to an additional one party.

5. The place the Promissory Note is entered into and is to be enforced.

6. The actual Signature Line.

State Usury Law And The Debtor

Usury is illegal in some states. It is usually defined as charging too higher rate of interest for a particular type of financial loan. But safe bet institutions are legally exempt from the usury laws (that is why reputation cards are so costly) plus real estate brokers can engage in financial loans which involve real estate, and oddly enough be legally exempt. However, the majority of citizens are branch to usury law, and penalties do apply for violating those laws. This can contain loss of All interest to be charged. ordinarily though, an private will only lose the interest to be charged and not the valuable amount.

In the state of California for example, the frame of 10% is determined the general limit on legal interest. This of course is branch to various exceptions as mentioned above. Should you decide to charge more than 10% and/or if you are being charged more than 10% interest, you should immediately seek pro legal counsel and advice.

It can be charged as a felony crime to deliberately engage in usurious interest transactions.

If you are considering an "oral" Note, it would also be wise to consult an attorney. But if you are mental about using a written promissory note... Be Sure It Is Duly Dated And Signed By The Debtor.

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