Southern California Counseling Center - Do Men as a matter of fact Get Screwed Over In A Divorce?
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Do men genuinely get screwed over in a divorce? I know this contradicts the cultural view that women who face disunion are genuinely the victims, but by average standards, if you look at studies and actual results, men are also victims.
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How is Do Men as a matter of fact Get Screwed Over In A Divorce?
We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from
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Here is something to begin with. Seven out of 10 divorces are initiated by women all across the Us. according to, 70% of divorces consuming children result in the mother getting custody.
Here is another fact. according to WebMd, divorced men are two and a half times as likely to commit suicide as compared to married men. disunion seems to have a higher emotional toll on men than women. By and large, men become lame-ducks in custody battles, they have to deal with a tarnished credit and a depressing aftermath.
Marriage may suck, I know. But disunion for a guy is like a train consuming at 70 miles per hour and hitting him on a hasten track.
Here are the things guys usually experience when a disunion takes place:
1. A sense of remorse. Was it that bad? The Yorkshire building community shows that 56% of men experience remorse and regret for a failed marriage versus 45% of women.
2. A sense of shame. "The whole world knows about me now." That is huge for a guy.
3. A sense of betrayal.
4. An astounding sense of emotional confusion.
5. Huge economic distress.
I have taken a distinct advent to the whole subject of male disunion and how it impacts men after interviewing many guys that have faced the pain of divorce, listening to them in coaching sessions and checking numerous studies and study on divorce.
Here is what I see as the alternative reality in disunion cases:
1. Remorse is good. It means you are in a mode to recognize what your role was in the whole mess. It takes two citizen to generate a mess. No one is totally innocent. No one is totally guilty. Enlightenment and changes are usually born in the midst of remorse. Don't walk away from it.
2. Shame is normal in this circumstance. Who wants his dirty laundry exposed to the world, to the kids, to the house by a "mad" wife? Just don't be hard on yourself. It is embarrassing! When you adopt the plan that the "accuser," psychologically speaking, all the time has more issues than the "accusee" you will be able to change your pain into growth. That's the key!
3. Betrayal is only in the eyes of the beholder! It's what you select to believe that will trap you! A woman who betrays her husband has to betray her own Promise to him, first! Self-betrayal is the worst kind of self-punishment anyone can ever levy on oneself! She can never "betray" you if you select not to be her victim! sufficient said! It hurts? Of procedure it does. Here is one more thing about betrayal. It doesn't matter when or how... When a woman betrays a guy she has most likely betrayed herself in some other areas before and she will do it over and over again. Get over it. It's her character which is on display, not yours!
4. An astounding sense of emotional confusion. Well... Of course! What do you think? disunion is worst than death. Death is terminal. disunion is unfinished business for the rest of your life. disunion means dealing with a huge emotional overload for a very, very long time. I believe that men are more fragile, emotionally speaking, than women. Men know how to conquer and fight as long as there is something to conquer and fight for. Women are survivalists. Women are wired differently. They are made for guerrilla warfare. Got it? Be easy on yourself.
5. Huge economic distress. Women are never perceived initially as "gold diggers" but their instinct for survival is never to be underestimated. Heard the saying? "First time for love, second time for the money?" That's a woman's dream once she walks into the hallways of "divorce-land." Loving women can turn into "bloodthirsty wolves" in a matter of days. When faced with the economic distress, I say, "Deal with it as you would with a bankruptcy situation. Be honest. Do your best and use this chance to show the best side of you."
Here are the things you can do right now to move send with your life before believing that disunion Screwed You Up! (You all the time have operate over what you believe)
1. Life is made out of "belief-systems."
What you believe about a
situation is more prominent than the reality of what happened to
you. If you believe you got screwed-up, you have. If you don't, you didn't! Is that simple or what? You have a choice. Always.
2. Allow yourself time to grieve.
Guys have a difficult time dealing with emotions. The women who leave them don't want to see the guy crying or showing emotions. They don't know what to do with it. They run away faster! Remember? Women are survivalists! Cry, feel the pain, be emotional. Nothing wrong with it. You have just experienced a huge loss!!!
3. Clean up your life pro-actively and quickly.
This is the best time to do it. Take a good look at the reasons why your wife left you. Be honest with yourself. Write those reasons down and deal with them. If you need to go back to your kids or citizen you have offended with the traits your wife is accusing you of, go back to those citizen and ask forgiveness. Don't take benefit of that time to make yourself look innocent, good or a victim. Losers do that. Real man, ask forgiveness and move on. Get rid of any emotional baggage. Walk away from unhealthy relationships, especially if they involve other women. Confess and do anyone you have to do spiritually to experience renewal and a sense of meaning. Go back to church. Join a preserve group.
4. Stop blaming!
Guys who blame a woman for their misery are losers! Blaming is all about finding a culprit for your misery. Your wife is doing it. Don't "copy-cat" an angry woman, ever! You have a choice, you know? Every particular time. When you blame you are telling everyone you are not in control.
5. Choose your friends carefully
Stay away from family, relatives and friends that will feel sorry for you or negative about your wife. Worst thing you can do. It's toxic. You need citizen that will enlighten you as to why your wife left you; citizen who will encourage you to grow up.
6. Move on with your life
Stay active. Play your life for all you are worth. Join a preserve group. generate the habit of acting "normal". Feelings all the time result actions. If you wait to feel happy you won't.
7. Get creative with your new situation
Read and meet salutary people. Worst form of "creativity"? Start dating right away... So many guys do that! Also, worst form of vengeance or "healing." A women who leaves a marriage while having the "support" of another connection is "screwed" up in the head to begin with. You don't need to worry about where she is headed. Again don't "copy-cat" that behavior.
8. Love your kids and associate with them like nothing has ever happened.
This is tough! Just do it! You can love your kids and associate with them without loading them with your emotional pain. If you have to share your pain do it without "blaming" their mother. One of the most toxic forms of "connection" is called triangulation. That's when you associate by using another person in the process. This is one of the best times to associate with your kids, dad! Don't miss your chance. Be honest. Share with them how you failed. Tell them how you plan to move on with your life. Cry if you have to. Be Honest! They will love you forever!
9. Believe Your New Reality
Faith is incredibly empowering. Faith is the quality to believe a reality. Faith is energizing. Faith is about believing new possibilities. Faith is believing in action. Stop dreaming or wishing things would be different. She is gone. Plan for three things: 1. How you are going to move on with your life. 2. Plan for her return. Plan to see her again. 3. Plan to never see her again. Weird, uh? Plan to see her the next day at the grocery store. Plan to see her with the other guy. Plan all in your head. Plan to not know what's going on in her head. Plan to deal with her inherent games. Plan to be in operate of every situation like a winner, not like a loser. mental making ready is important. Think and act in control, you will be in control! Think and act like you are in control, it will show you are not in control!
10. Look for counseling if it will help you.
Look for a psychotherapist that will help you move on, not one who will get stuck in your own stuff or protect your agenda. You don't need a psychotherapist to tell you why your wife left you. You already know that! She left you because she hated your guts! What else do you need? Does her state of mind match the reality? Whose reality? Does that mean you are a bad guy? No!!!! That's her reality. Leave it alone. Just take your part of the deal and walk with it because this is Your chance to grow up.
Do men genuinely get screwed up in a divorce? Yes and no. disunion is a indication of illness of a deeper problem in our culture. If it's true that 7 out of 10 divorces are initiated by women across the country, it also means there is a lot of unspoken, displaced, "male pain" out there. No one will come to our rescue. It's up to us to understand the bigger issues at stake and do something about it. First, I advise we need to become better men, thus preventing the escalation of divorce. Good men don't disunion and leave their families behind. I genuinely believe this! Second, we need to teach our boys how to be good men; how to stand up and be leaders. Third, if disunion has already happened, take an catalogue of your life and decide disunion is not the end of your life. Scars can be turned into stars. You can become an agent of change in your own world. It's totally up to us to decide if disunion will screw us up or not. You all the time have a choice. No matter, what!
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